MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Avery's new attorneys are really good. I'm sure if he goes to court again he will get exonerated. 
I just think what the majority of us in this thread gathered mostly from the documentary is that a guilty verdict for first degree was not appropriate considering the inconsistencies and mishandling on the investigation...

There hasn't been too many people in here that said he legit didn't do it.

This 100% ... most of us said we dont know if he did it or not.

Avery's new attorneys are really good. I'm sure if he goes to court again he will get exonerated. 

Hes not going back to court tho
not sure if srs?

i think if that evidence from that video was shown in the documentary, we would all look at the case differently.

I have looked into and read from all sides. This information in the video tidbit is not all confirmed.

As for the gun, from what @@Colombia posted in one of the links he recently presented:
William Newhouse, a gun expert with the Wisconsin State Crime Lab, said he couldn't conclusively link a bullet found in a crack in Avery's garage to a .22-caliber rifle seized from his bedroom. (He could only confirm that it was definitely a bullet from a .22 caliber rifle). There was no DNA on the gun, no blood blow back that you’d get from shooting someone at that close range and no blood mist / spatter around the garage that would also be present had someone been shot in the garage.

In my opinion, Steven and Brendan are innocent. Now remember, it is the prosecution that collects all the evidence and has to present a case to guarantee he is convicted guilty. This is the same law enforcement that conducted immorally and jailed an innocent man for 18 years knowing he was innocent. Then as they were about to go down for these gross violations, they make sure he will be locked up for life and place blood in his hands. So now tell me, who has more to lose or gain at this time, who has motives and would make more logical sense to be carried out to achieve these goals?

They are grimey, slimey and downright corrupt and evil. Even when they were on the stand and before when they were deposed, Colburn and Lenk's body language and lies screamed shady and guilty.

There's just too much evidence that was tampered and planted. They just zeroed in on Steven and no other suspects because they wanted to get him. Colburn checking up on the car before it was reported found, the vial of blood with the hole and opened and sealed back up, the Bobby Dassey lie on the stand about the steven Avery joke, etc.

It did not have to take a psychological analyst to see how they were hardcore lying on the stand and they messed up so much information and got caught in lies by the defense.

Why is it so hard for people to believe there are people in law enforcement and government that abuse power and corrupt absolutely? This happens a lot more than you know. It's a real dog eat dog world out there. Some of those elite in power do this because they know they can and that they will get away with it.

My heart breaks for Brendan. All these people should be rotting in jail instead for this miscarriage of justice. Not even any DNA on Brendan and just a coerced confession by a slow, disabled, introverted, grade 4 level reading kid, and they just use him and take his life away. Abominable.
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Someone made a summary of evidence from the defense that was left of the documentary

Thanks for sharing!

There are very good points. All of this trumps even harder Kratz and the prosecution's list they have been sending out to the media.
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I'd love to see a body language expert's analysis of this doc, specifically the courtroom and deposition scenes.  

I'm no expert, but I swear 99% of the people were lying their ***** off.  Or at the very least, withholding information or downplaying their role in the shenanigans once they realized **** could possibly hit the fan.  
There's no doubt that they were lying, cats were piling lie upon lie and then changing the first lie to coincide w/ the 5th lie. It got to a point where you couldn't even follow along or decipher the truth. And the judge just let it ride out. I knew the judge didn't care but what did it for me was when he said that as Avery got older, his crimes got more violent, so he should be sentenced to life so that he doesn't commit anymore crimes (paraphrased of course) I got to thinkin, "So dude gon be 80 years old and what, bomb a city?"

I saw the whole interrogation of Brendan, and I think the investigators were still very much coercing the kid and leading him on to lie. He basically started to make up a whole story just so he can satisfy the cops and giving them what they want to hear. On the stand when he testified, you also saw how he said he was inspired by a book to come up with those sort of stories. It could also have been the movie of that book as well, if it is true he did read/watch and came up with his false confession based on these sources. It does not take much to come up with these stories especially given how he was psychologically manipulated during these interrogations.

It is known quite a few people can get easily coerced to make false confessions. All it takes is psychology techniques and aggressive cops to push you to it. Here's a good study on this:
 People Can Be Convinced They Committed a Crime That Never Happened

Evidence from some wrongful-conviction cases suggests that suspects can be questioned in ways that lead them to falsely believe in and confess to committing crimes they didn’t actually commit. New research provides lab-based evidence for this phenomenon, showing that innocent adult participants can be convinced, over the course of a few hours, that they had perpetrated crimes as serious as assault with a weapon in their teenage years.

The research, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, indicates that the participants came to internalize the stories they were told, providing rich and detailed descriptions of events that never actually took place.

“Our findings show that false memories of committing crime with police contact can be surprisingly easy to generate, and can have all the same kinds of complex details as real memories,” says psychological scientist and lead researcher Julia Shaw of the University of Bedfordshire in the UK.


Of the 30 participants who were told they had committed a crime as a teenager, 21 (71%) were classified as having developed a false memory of the crime; of the 20 who were told about an assault of some kind (with or without a weapon), 11 reported elaborate false memory details of their exact dealings with the police.

A similar proportion of students (76.67%) formed false memories of the emotional event they were told about.

Intriguingly, the criminal false events seemed to be just as believable as the emotional ones. Students tended to provide the same number of details, and reported similar levels of confidence, vividness, and sensory detail for the two types of event.


A few here also reiterated to you how there was no DNA evidence of Steven and Brendan in the garage or bedroom where she was slashed. Then you started to go on about the bleach which could have been used and how Brendan's mom started she saw bleach on his pants when he got home that night. In fact, he said when he got back home that night, no one was home when he was on the stand. However, as they took out the concrete for evidence, no soaked up blood. They could also have tested for bleach. It would have been very hard to clean all the blood with bleach, especially with blood splattering all over on all those crammed items in the garage. A link was posted in a few posts back where the defense stated that even DEER BLOOD was found in the garage. Yet no blood from Steven, Brendan, or Teresa? Yet the DNA of Steven was just in the car, hold latch, battery and the key?

Also the whole hood latch tidbit with Steven's DNA in the Brendan confession, that was introduced by Fassbender and NOT Brendan. Regardless of what, when, how, or even who did the DNA collection. IT ALL WENT BACK TO THE SAME LAB for testing. We already know that lab has contamination problems, has serious credibility issues, and also has close ties to M. County Sheriffs. The fact that they waited months, until after Brendan's interrogation, to swab the latch of car with a disconnected battery that had blood stains in it indicating a hand cut should tell you all you need to know about the quality of their investigation and evidence.
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I swear NT is trash

Just finished watching and started reading this thread from page one and turn this into a race thread on page 3, smh
Why bring up a topic that everyone has moved on from?

The other 29 pages have been about people's opinion concerning the case let us leave it at that
brendan really got a raw deal. this kid had no chance they all just took advantage of him
If I were SA and was innocent again I would have been given up

Mentally I couldn't do it
Dude lost 3 women due to the crap he's had to go through. If they vacate his conviction, move and then sue the entire state of Wisconsin
Just watched Marky Mark's brother and Nancy Grace talk about this. I don't know much about Nancy Grace, but how does someone like that get their own TV show? She's awful

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