Millions ain't enough to win, those millionaires who help fund terrorism get caught in the long run.

If this plane has landed at a discreet location without being detected (extremely unlikely). Multiple questions will arise. How the hell are they going get the fuel! or even pay for the fuel to execute are future terrorist attack? There are like 100 different scenarios that would be so difficult and unlikely to happen that would need to go perfectly right.

If somehow a terrorist group was involved with a sponsored government, and that government helped them achieve this - I could believe that, it'd make the task at hand that much easier. However, that country, that government would be committing suicide. No one would approve. Too much to risk just for one plane.
you're aware that where there's a will there's a way, right?

there's all sorts of financial crime that goes on that most ppl are not aware of. all types of stuff goes on where ppl break the money down enough to where you wouldn't suspect where it goes.

i'm not a conspiracy theorist and i don't know what happened either but trust me when i say that you have no idea what SOME of these terrorists are capable of through financial crime.
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possibly the terorrists made the pilot drive it into a target and the pilot decided to dive into the water to prevent that from happening

That's possible they were also talking about how the hi jackers could have told the pilot to fly it somewhere which was impossible because of not enough fuel and they ended up crashing in the Indian ocean.
of course they dont go poof into air but they go splash into water, very deep water.

it took them two years to find Air France on the ocean floor and they actually knew the general area of where the plane crashed.

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Sounds like the Philadelphia experiment all over again. Navy messing around time warping. Passengers prob all stuck in a parallel universe.
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meh, dates mean nothing. how many times have we heard it about something happening on a certain date

you think now that its all out in the open about this "date" they will continue with w/e is planned fr that date? yea probably not

i just wanna know for certain, has the plane crashed or not because from there then we can panic or w/e is gonna come from it
crazy stuff though sometimes dates mean alot.  FROM DEC JAN FEB, WE LOST FAMILY MEMBERS ON THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH

i was referring to them doing something on that specific date just because it has a meaning for other religions or ethnicity's or god knows what else.

why is it when something is supposed to happen someone finds out it coincides with something that happened before? SMH its all coincidences
If this plane crashed into the ocean than I doubt its going to be found. The search radius is huge.

If the pilot did commit murder/suicide like Silkair flight 185 (allegedly) than there would be some kind of motive that they would have found out by now.

If terrorists did highjack the plane, than they are doing one heck of a job of keeping this under wraps. I mean someone would have claimed responsibility by now. Right?

My feeling is someone is lying in order to hide something. Nothing makes sense about this whole situation.
Why would someone claim responsibility especially if the place is landed and gonna be used for something? Wouldnt they wait til they actually do some harm then claim they were behind it.

the whole point of this right now is "IF" USA and all these countries and looking in the ocean for the plane then these guys have everyone right where they want them, looking over the entire damn ocean for nothing while possibly going through soon with their plan. They have no way to find this plane unless its in the ocean or crashed over land.

but after spending so much time in this thread and writing so much stupid stuff, i highly doubt the plan has landed in a foreign country and being used for an attack. I think it did end up crashing in the ocean and they will end up finding some kind of information by Sunday if not sometime next week.
Why would someone claim responsibility especially if the place is landed and gonna be used for something? Wouldnt they wait til they actually do some harm then claim they were behind it.

the whole point of this right now is "IF" USA and all these countries and looking in the ocean for the plane then these guys have everyone right where they want them, looking over the entire damn ocean for nothing while possibly going through soon with their plan. They have no way to find this plane unless its in the ocean or crashed over land.

but after spending so much time in this thread and writing so much stupid stuff, i highly doubt the plan has landed in a foreign country and being used for an attack. I think it did end up crashing in the ocean and they will end up finding some kind of information by Sunday if not sometime next week.

Well said
Excuse me if in wrong because I'm not really into this government type stuff but the leader of north Korea isn't he the guy who was threating the us about shooting nukes or some sort of missile at us? If that guy is in charge i think he would be crazy enough and stupid enough to try a thing like this not carring about the consequences.
North Korea and a few other countries are known to do alot of "barking" without "biting" .  Saying a bunch of crazy stuff that more than likely they're not gonna do because they're not suicidal.

This whole North Korea theory is highly unlikely being that not only half the world would be pissed at them but China as well who is their biggest ally, provider, and defender.

you positive? I read that the pings stopped over water so they couldn't have landed on ground
to my knowledge I haven't heard anything about them locating where the plane actually was when it was pinging.  They haven't even said  yet if the satellite it was pinging to actually connected with it and received info from the plane.
Sources have told America’s ABC News that two communications systems on the Malaysia Airlines jet were shut down separately, more than 10 minutes apart.

The data reporting system was turned off at 1:07am, while the transponder — which continuously transmits key flight information — was shut down at 1:21am.

Only some person savvy to the technology on the plane could do that. Most likely the pilot. I just don't see any hijacking motives here. So suicide is plausible
The pilot may have turned off communications to commit suicide without air traffic people in his ear. But I highly doubt both pilots were suicidal, and I'm haivng a hard time imagining the other would be complicit in all this.  It seems more likely than a hijacking, because I'm not seeing any strong motives for that. Then again, don't most people who commit suicide leave some sort of note? I still think this is the strongest possibility, but it has some serious holes.
Why would you fly an extra 4 hours after turning all power off to commit suicide though ??

and how do not see motives for a hijacking but you see motives for a suicide ??

you need motives for a terrorist group to hijack a plane ?? suicide would need more of a motive
The pilot may have turned off communications to commit suicide without air traffic people in his ear. But I highly doubt both pilots were suicidal, and I'm haivng a hard time imagining the other would be complicit in all this.  It seems more likely than a hijacking, because I'm not seeing any strong motives for that. Then again, don't most people who commit suicide leave some sort of note? I still think this is the strongest possibility, but it has some serious holes.
Why would you fly an extra 4 hours after turning all power off to commit suicide though ??

and how do not see motives for a hijacking but you see motives for a suicide ??

you need motives for a terrorist group to hijack a plane ?? suicide would need more of a motive
but hijacking for what? Ransom? Jihad? If hijacking was the case, someone would proudly take responsibility by now.
Lets put this situation into perspective, guys. These are the facts:

1. Multiple countries search an area of the Gulf of Thailand that makes up of water 270 feet or under or under.

2. The radius is relatively small compared to radius they are bound to search now.

3. It took around 3 days for them to determine that the plane did not crash into that area of the Gulf of Thailand. 3 days with a mass amount within the search teams.

4. Now, we are forced to search a huge body of water that we haven't even considered 5 DAYS AFTER THE PLANE MAY HAVE BEEN CRASHED.

Now they're searching a large area of the Indian Ocean, which goes to depths around 25,000 feet but has an average depth of 12,700 feet.

IF, and I emphasis 'IF' the pilot landed this plane intact, softly, without large portions of debris removed; WE ARE NEVER FINDING IT.

Talk about a needle in a haystack. It'd be like finding a strand of hair on a football field. The odds are probably worse since only a given few can go to depths like that.

This is crazy, & sad at the same time. Here's to #HOPE
but hijacking for what? Ransom? Jihad? If hijacking was the case, someone would proudly take responsibility by now.
Ransom or Jihad , maybe it went wrong and they crashed or maybe they landed and they're waiting to see how to play this and organize their next move.

The pilot could've been apart of the hijack or they could've took control of the cockpit and forced the pilot to do what they said.
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