I haven't been following too much about this crash but...

I'm sure this has been discussed, what happened to the black box? aren't these things suppose to send out a gps signal of some sort?

or did this get shut down as well?
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.

This is how I feel if true
So the "communications systems" were manually shut off from the plane around the 45 min mark?

Now asking Is this a hijacking or PILOT SUICIDE?
I feel like if it was pilot suicide he would've just crashed it right instead of flying in the opposite direction for 4 more hours.  I really dont think it was a suicide.
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.
The only part that's hard to imagine is where they could find a reasonable area to land outside of detection. It's really the only thing part of this whole situation that's kinda difficult but not impossible to figure out.
I say hijacking and the plane crashed into water
the crazy thing is that the same device that sent info saying the plane flew for four more hours is suppose to send a signal off if the plane crashes or hits water but it never did.......
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.
They are not nearly poor. Do you reliaze they have the backing of millionaires who fund this crap.. thats why alot of shops get raided in the USA is because they use the money to fund terriost activities from what i read
Governmenty staged this all too distract from something else, or too create a reason too do something. Thats my conclusion i keep going back too
They trying to pass sopa #2, regulating the internet. trying to slip it past yaw like they tried to the first time
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.

Enh, I'm no terrorist, but to say that they're fiscally poor is probably a reach. The image of a terrorist living in a cave comes to mind because that's what we've been conditioned to view them as. But there's money there somewhere when it comes to the bigger cells and better known groups.
I haven't been following too much about this crash but...

I'm sure this has been discussed, what happened to the black box? aren't these things suppose to send out a gps signal of some sort?

or did this get shut down as well?
I heard they have GPS receivers but not transmitters but even if it did have a transmitter it wouldn't be able to work through all that water.
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I feel like by now there should be some info as to where the plane is/might be. Yes the ocean is very large but c'mon. A plane just doesn't go poof in thin air.

North Korea still testing Nukes though? :nerd:
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They are not nearly poor. Do you reliaze they have the backing of millionaires who fund this crap.. thats why alot of shops get raided in the USA is because they use the money to fund terriost activities from what i read

Millions ain't enough to win, those millionaires who help fund terrorism get caught in the long run.

If this plane has landed at a discreet location without being detected (extremely unlikely). Multiple questions will arise. How the hell are they going get the fuel! or even pay for the fuel to execute are future terrorist attack? There are like 100 different scenarios that would be so difficult and unlikely to happen that would need to go perfectly right.

If somehow a terrorist group was involved with a sponsored government, and that government helped them achieve this - I could believe that, it'd make the task at hand that much easier. However, that country, that government would be committing suicide. No one would approve. Too much to risk just for one plane.
Millions ain't enough to win, those millionaires who help fund terrorism get caught in the long run.

If this plane has landed at a discreet location without being detected (extremely unlikely). Multiple questions will arise. How the hell are they going get the fuel! or even pay for the fuel to execute are future terrorist attack? There are like 100 different scenarios that would be so difficult and unlikely to happen that would need to go perfectly right.

If somehow a terrorist group was involved with a sponsored government, and that government helped them achieve this - I could believe that, it'd make the task at hand that much easier. However, that country, that government would be committing suicide. No one would approve. Too much to risk just for one plane.

Somebody posted that reddit article about possibly north Korea being involved could that actually be a possibility?
I feel like by now there should be some info as to where the plane is/might be. Yes the ocean is very large but c'mon. A plane just doesn't go poof in thin air.

North Korea still testing Nukes though?
of course they dont go poof into air but they go splash into water, very deep water.

it took them two years to find Air France on the ocean floor and they actually knew the general area of where the plane crashed.
Somebody posted that reddit article about possibly north Korea being involved could that actually be a possibility?
anything is possible.

But North Korea is smarter than that, risking a potential military missile storm to rain on them from every country in the world for a ghost plane? Too risky and way too stupid.
you think the terrorists have hostages and are communicating exclusively with malaysia, hence why they keep denying everything?
anything is possible.

But North Korea is smarter than that, risking a potential military missile storm to rain on them from every country in the world for a ghost plane? Too risky and way too stupid.

Excuse me if in wrong because I'm not really into this government type stuff but the leader of north Korea isn't he the guy who was threating the us about shooting nukes or some sort of missile at us? If that guy is in charge i think he would be crazy enough and stupid enough to try a thing like this not carring about the consequences.
the crazy thing is that the same device that sent info saying the plane flew for four more hours is suppose to send a signal off if the plane crashes or hits water but it never did.......

you positive? I read that the pings stopped over water so they couldn't have landed on ground
"My Guardian colleague Warren Murray has filed the following explainer on transponders. A lot of the focus today is on various tracking technology on board the aircraft after reports in the last 24 hours that the plane was sending data for hours after it lost contact, and more recently that two communication systems shut down 14 minutes apart - suggesting possible deliberate action.

This from Warren:

There seem to be some potentially flawed assumptions being made about the plane’s transponder, and the idea that if it was operating normally, it should have been bleeping out the 777’s location right until the moment it crashed, unless the pilot had switched it off.

In fact that’s not the case - it seems very likely the transponder would have been set up so that it would only send out a signal if prompted by a receiving station on the ground.

Planes are tracked by two kinds of radar - primary and secondary. The primary kind is what most of us understand: a beam of radio waves being sent out from a ground station, bouncing off anything in its path, with that reflection picked up by the ground station and used to work out the location of the plane or other target. It is a passive system that doesn’t require the plane to do anything to be “seen”.

But transponders work on secondary radar, which involves the ground station not just spraying out radio waves but instead sending out a sort of query or “interrogation” asking for a reply from transponders.

If the Malaysia Airlines 777 was not being interrogated by a secondary radar system – for example, it was out of range – the transponder would just sit there, doing nothing. It wouldn’t have to be switched off to stop transmitting – in fact it is designed generally only to transmit when it receives an “are you there” from a secondary radar system. It is not a simple beacon that transmits all the time regardless of whether anyone is listening.

Also, a plane may need to be assigned a “squawk” code by air traffic controllers, which the pilot is given over the radio and has to dial into the transponder, so that the local secondary radar system knows what “address”, if you like, to use when identifying the plane and its transponder
Excuse me if in wrong because I'm not really into this government type stuff but the leader of north Korea isn't he the guy who was threating the us about shooting nukes or some sort of missile at us? If that guy is in charge i think he would be crazy enough and stupid enough to try a thing like this not carring about the consequences.
Ive read they dont have the tech to even do that.

Makes sense since they JUST got their Hyundai's right not too long ago, and those are just cars. 
possibly the terorrists made the pilot drive it into a target and the pilot decided to dive into the water to prevent that from happening
Geography isnt My Strong suit.
Why the **** would "north korea" have the Plane fly our to the Indian Ocean isn't it the completely opposite way?
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