I thought they found Air France's wreckage site in a matter of a week or so, but took 2 years to get to the blackbox

Yea, that's correct. Took two years to find out what happened is what I meant.
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WHY it happened, who knows for now. the fact that they may not even find this plane is crazy.
if terrorist took over, someone wouldve took credit for it, right? unless this was more of a test for something bigger :nerd:
CNN reporting police have left the home of one of the pilots carrying small bags.
Dont know if this update has been said in this thread yet but on CNN they said they now know the last "ping" from the engine was at 8:11 AM in the morning which means the plane flew for 7 hours.

Meaning it could be anywhere far north as Kazakhstan in the middle east or far down south in Indian Ocean half way between Australia and Africa.

They also said that the first transponder was shut off BEFORE they heard the last voice message from one pilot saying to the other " Okay , Good Night " and the second was shut off shortly after.

Man RIP to the passengers, hope they are still alive and if not, I hope they didnt feel a thing.
i'm hoping its just a corrupt pilot transporting something on the plane oppose to it being a terrorist hijacking.

If terrorists have gotten THIS advance in hijacking a plane... :x :x :x :x

RIP to all airlines.Aint nobody going be traveling anymore.

FML, i'm traveling to Asia next month.
If terrorists have gotten THIS advance in hijacking a plane...

RIP to all airlines.Aint nobody going be traveling anymore.

Completely false.
U guys think airlines won't take a hit if terrorists are this advanced? Lol

Come on, security got beefed the f up after 9/11 giving ppl confidence to continue flying. But if terrorist can fly off radar without ANY trace or alert that something went down on the plane..that'll give u confidence to keep flying? Lol OK
U guys think airlines won't take a hit if terrorists are this advanced? Lol

Come on, security got beefed the f up after 9/11 giving ppl confidence to continue flying. But if terrorist can fly off radar without ANY trace or alert that something went down on the plane..that'll give u confidence to keep flying? Lol OK
The FACT remains that since these 239 people disappeared a week ago... in the US alone on average about 90 people are killed each DAY in car accidents.  That'd be ~630 people behind the wheel or in a car who were killed since this plane went down or whatever may have happened to it.

1 incident doesn't mean "terrorists are getting good at this" like this will become commonplace.

Uneducated people may think twice about flying but it is a necessity and experienced flyers and business flyers wont even blink about heading to the airport after this.

I know I wont.
Thats apples to oranges tho.

You're comparing planes to cars. How many planes are in operation in the nation and how many cars are on the streets in the nation? 

If you think this wont affect the airlines at all, you ignant.
If you think this wont affect the airlines at all, you ignant.
If terrorists have gotten THIS advance in hijacking a plane... 

RIP to all airlines.Aint nobody going be traveling anymore.
So your point has gone from 'airlines are dead' because of this to ' well... this will affect airlines a little...'.

Solid argument.
Thats apples to oranges tho.

You're comparing planes to cars. How many planes are in operation in the nation and how many cars are on the streets in the nation? 

If you think this wont affect the airlines at all, you ignant.

lol dude, doesnt matter how many planes there are vs. cars. if you're looking at the ratio of accidents vs. trips, you are way more likely to die in car crash. i thought even "ignant" fools knew that. :smh:
so i literally meant NOBODY will be flying. Ok you got me bro...

Lets get back to comparing planes to cars again.
so i literally meant NOBODY will be flying. Ok you got me bro...

Lets get back to comparing planes to cars again.

they're not comparing planes to cars, you goose.

He's comparing the amount of casualties that happen everyday while riding on a car, yet people still board their damn cars to go places.

So the notion of people not flying anymore is compared to accident of cars because, regardless of there being 90 deaths on average per day in america, people still use the cars.

C'mon b...
Some people be acting like Royce White in this thread

Life always has risks and dangers, you can never predict your downfall
Dying in an airplane crash is a way lower probability than dying in a car accident, so I'm going to continue flying
so i literally meant NOBODY will be flying. Ok you got me bro...

Lets get back to comparing planes to cars again.
Lol at you getting mad about use of hyperbole right after you said "If you think this wont affect the airlines at all, you ignant."

In the spectrum of possibilities, there being "no change" because of this is much more likely than the opposite extreme of "Airlines will be dead".

By the end of all of this 9/11 will still have been exponentially more visible as a world event than this plane presumably going down even if it is due to terrorist interaction.  This will have less influence on commuter aviation than 9/11 by a longshot.  
Thats apples to oranges tho.

You're comparing planes to cars. How many planes are in operation in the nation and how many cars are on the streets in the nation? 

If you think this wont affect the airlines at all, you ignant.
The odds of dying in a car accident are like 1 in 100

The odds of dying on a single plane flight are like 1 in 30 million.
i get that more people die everyday in cars..

but theres too many variables to account for. You drive your own car, youre not your own pilot on a plane. A car is more of a NECESSITY oppose to plane. You damn near NEED your car to go about your life everyday. The average cat doesnt NEED to fly. Thats apples to oranges to me.

If you guys think its valid and believe this "new age" hijacking is all gravy. Go ahead and cook fellas.
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