MH370 Report: Underwater Locator Beacon Battery Had Expired

The first comprehensive report into the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on Sunday revealed that the battery of an underwater locator beacon had expired more than a year before the plane vanished on March 8, 2014.

The significance of the expired battery on the beacon of the Flight Data Recorder was not immediately apparent, except indicating that searchers would have had lesser chance of locating the aircraft in the Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have crashed, even if they were in its vicinity. However, the report said that the battery on the locator beacon of the cockpit voice recorder was working.

The two instruments are critical in any crash because they record cockpit conversation and flight data, leading up to the end of the flight.
i hope they make a tougher standard for pilots, mechanics, planes, etc all around. its really sad to see this.
interesting. I wonder if there's stats of how many pilots have at home simulators to practice on. I'm sure there's a number but I don't think its significant enough to blow this fact away. seems odd nonetheless.
The plane and passengers are in the inner earth aka Agartha. They were taken there for some reason or another but they will be back. With a story to tell.
2 questions.

W t f is a suicide route

W t f is rhe fbi doing involved in this

There were a number of Freescale Semiconductor employees on flight MH370. Before being sold in 2015, Freescale had been developing semiconductors, magnetometers, specialized chipsets, and other electrical components for agencies like NASA for years. Worth a google.
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still crazy how a plane just dissapears ...ish gotta be in the deepest part of the ocean or something
yall heard bout the guy
getting a recording on his voicemail
and believe it may be the recording of the black box
with locations of where it may have went down
this was like this week or last week
A TERRIFYING voicemail in military code sent to random Twitter users’ phones has sent the internet into meltdown as users speculate over its links to MH370, alien life and an impending Doomsday date.

It appears to have started with Ty, an ordinary Twitter user with no apparent prior interest in any of those topics or the conspiracy theories that inevitably accompany any discussion of them.

On March 13, Ty posted a recording of a creepy voicemail message he received on his mobile phone and asked for help translating it.

Since then it has received more than seven million views and hatched a dozen conspiracy theories, earning Ty more than 40,000 extra followers and forcing him to temporarily deactivate his account (he was getting death threats and homophobic taunts) and change his handle.

The bizarre voicemail features a robotic voice droning out an automated message entirely in NATO phonetic alphabet. Deciphered, it reads:

“S Danger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate be caution they are not human 042933964230 SOS Danger SOS.”


Ty has since deleted the voicemail recording but a handful of others have also received it and posted it online. Picture: TwitterSource:Supplied


Ty was forced to deactivate his account and change his handle after receiving death threats. Picture: TwitterSource:Supplied

Other users set to work on the number sequence. They appeared to be a set of coordinates which, when plugged into Google Maps, led to one location in Africa and another near Malaysia.

The latter, many users noted, was “very close” to where Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 vanished from radar, leading to speculation the voicemail was a recording of the doomed plane’s encounter with an alien craft.

“Are you saying that Malaysia Flight 370 encountered something non-human???” asked user Gio de Loera in a post retweeted more than 6000 times.

User Tyelashe responded: “It’s a police code. It says ‘Danger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate. Be cautious they are not human SOS danger SOS”.

Ty also posted unsettling direct messages he had been receiving on his Twitter account, one in Indonesian, another in Malay, a couple in morse code and one which appeared to be five groupings of numbers: “ 1.18.5 41818”.

The Indonesian message, when run through Google translate, turned out to be a warning:

“End the post you just shared about the recording in your phone.”


Ty received a string of messages in his DMs in Indonesian, Malay, numerical code and even Morse code (below). Picture: Facebook screenshotSource:Supplied
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