Man Boobs...

mayby its cause you have to high estrogene levels.

cut down on the beer and start with the weights, sleeping and eating(healthy)

all test builders.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Whateversclever

Serious topic

I seem to be getting man boobs. and im not fat or anything. I'm Average not super skinny. but not fat..

I want to get rid of them, cuz iunno, i dont want man boobs lol

its gotten to the point where my girl caressed them.

should i do alot of push ups?

what kind of exercises will strengthen my pectoralis majors? aka boobs....


They got the banana selection game on lock.
this is no ordinary safeway/luckys...
pushups, cardio, eating good. as long as you arent fat you should be able to get rid of them. Fat people tend to lose weight and still have them because of allthe loose skin.
Originally Posted by meangene



But Cardio, Eating Healthy, Drinking Water, And Push-Ups/Bench Press (regular and at an incline) also Butterfly excerise (machine and with dumb bells) shouldshrink them down while your building your Pectoral Muscles. Remember its going to take some time, it wont happen overnight.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

pushups, cardio, eating good. as long as you arent fat you should be able to get rid of them. Fat people tend to lose weight and still have them because of all the loose skin.
Sigh... Push ups and benching are just gonna make your **** bigger. Cardio, cardio, cardio. Eat right, eat right, eat right. You can't spot reduce.
Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spotreduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spot reduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.

A lil more info??
Originally Posted by ralphsody

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spot reduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.

A lil more info??
He has man boobs because he has fat on his chest that make it look like he has supple boobs or he has a hormone problem, and the only way to fixthat is through surgery. If you build the muscle under the fat the muscle is gonna grow bigger with the fat still being on top making it look like they gotbigger. You're better of eating right and doing cardio to get rid of the extra fat. You can't pick a body part to lose weight, it's impossible. Imean still bench and do your push ups but don't put that much emphasis on it.
you only get man **** if youre fat or really out of got to be at least a little over weight...unless you're one of those....
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by ralphsody

MayhemMonkey000 wrote:

Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spot
reduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.

A lil more info??
He has man boobs because he has fat on his chest that make it look like he has supple boobs or he has a hormone problem, and the only way to fix that is through surgery. If you build the muscle under the fat the muscle is gonna grow bigger with the fat still being on top making it look like they got bigger. You're better of eating right and doing cardio to get rid of the extra fat. You can't pick a body part to lose weight, it's impossible. I mean still bench and do your push ups but don't put that much emphasis on it.

i went to a doctor for it, and he told me because of the kind of steroids i took as a kid (for a nose problem) thats why they developed..he said exercise woulddo the trick..
Originally Posted by ralphsody

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spot reduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.

A lil more info??
bench press = bigger pecs

why would he be pissed

its not gonna take away the man boobs but unless its gyno he can just cut weight and be fine
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by ralphsody

Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Can we stop with the bench press response. He's gonna be pissed when he sees that he went up a cup size from benching so damn much. You can't spot reduce. I repeat, you can't spot reduce.

A lil more info??
bench press = bigger pecs

why would he be pissed

its not gonna take away the man boobs but unless its gyno he can just cut weight and be fine
Read my last post...
I have the same problem. I used to be much heavier but I've lost weight and been lifting but I still have some. I think the only way to get rid of this isto have surgery.
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