Man Found Guilty Commits Suicide in the Courtroom .. Vid ......

 if he only had to serve two years or less.
dude couldnt get a new job to pay some bills?? he probably could have easily landed another job if he wanted
When you had no regard for human life in the first place and put things before people something like this can happen. Easily too.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by Dropten

This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle

Well.... if were gonna take it there- why do so many black people have no regard for human life and kill each other over the dumbest %&^#^$*-a pound of herb or a couple hundred dollars. I'd prefer miserable people just off themselves than kill others and rot in prison on my dime. Maybe its not for you to understand, just dont be part of the problem and you're doing your part

a pound of herb could be someones way of feeding their family is why

and again a "couple" hundred dollars might mean your kids dont eat

not saying either is the right thing to do but %@#$ happens

pretty silly comparison IMO but hey maybe your emotions got the best of you
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by Dropten

This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle

Well.... if were gonna take it there- why do so many black people have no regard for human life and kill each other over the dumbest %&^#^$*-a pound of herb or a couple hundred dollars. I'd prefer miserable people just off themselves than kill others and rot in prison on my dime. Maybe its not for you to understand, just dont be part of the problem and you're doing your part
Don't have time to give you the long answer, but the short answer is white supremacy aka racism.
What's so hard to understand? You commit suicide, you win a one way ticket to hell.
Oh, forgot NT is like 30% athiest...SMH.
Originally Posted by Dropten

This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle

Well dude probably knows he wouldn't survive going to prison for arson.

After watching the vid, although I don't respect ppl who commit suicide I have to say he was resolute in his decision, no hesitation in committing that. The jury might just feel they killed a man.

Seems a lot of you are not knowledgeable on how serious an arson conviction is.
@ 2 years.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

What's so hard to understand? You commit suicide, you win a one way ticket to hell.
Oh, forgot NT is like 30% athiest...SMH.
Or maybe they're of another religion that doesn't have a hell. You can shake your head while others laugh at how silly your post comes off.

Maybe dude wanted to go there instead of prison.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

What's so hard to understand? You commit suicide, you win a one way ticket to hell.
Oh, forgot NT is like 30% athiest...SMH.
Originally Posted by I WON

Unreal. This happened locally last summer, and the guy got away with it. It was eventually ruled Arson, but they could not prove that HE did it.

His wife and two daughters were conveniently on a vegas vacation, he and his son were at a out of state baseball tournament with all of his autographed memorabilia in his trunk, even though there house was COMPLETELY blown-up, they still managed to salvage baby pictures and their wedding album. Did I mention that he was 7 payments behind on his mortgage?

Sickening - his family already has a new house built and is moving on like nothing happened
I bet he was yelling your screen name.

Can't be mad at ppl who do this especially when no one gets hurt. Tough out there and with only a few options to survive comfortably. Dudes out here committing the perfect crimes.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

How can you kill yourself in a courtroom?
Well if it's a pill or the size of one it's easy. It'd be even easier if he already had lodged where a tooth is suppose to be and just bit down in it secret spy style.
He lived selfish and died selfish. I have very little empathy. He is just another corpse and will be forgotten and his families name ain't !%!! now. That's what really matters. 
If you don't believe in a heaven or hell it's your unfortunate problem but I bet all my $$$$ this dude is burning down there as we type and for something so petty as a house/limited time in's a damn shame.
Originally Posted by dakid23

 if he only had to serve two years or less.
If only it were the simple.

Dude probably had already reached that point of despair long before his home was set ablaze. Sometimes it's hard for people to leave their cushy lives. We are suppose to be adaptive organisms but many people just don't handle that change well.

His myopia did him in more than anything else. Shame too. The baggage he left in this world will extend far beyond a few missed payments.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

If you don't believe in a heaven or hell it's your unfortunate problem but I bet all my $$$$ this dude is burning down there as we type and for something so petty as a house/limited time in's a damn shame.

I believe in God and I'm curious to know what if I wanted to take you up on said bet how the +*!@ would you know if he was or wasn't burning in hell?

my only issue with most "religious" people is they tend to speak in absolute terms like the things they believe in are facts
You're the type to believe but don't study the word at all though. You wouldn't have to doubt if you did your part to study and understand scripture, listen to testimonies really dive in. At least you believe though so there's hope for you yet...unlike these folks who just laugh off any and all such notion off heaven, hell, God etc.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

You're the type to believe but don't study the word at all though. You wouldn't have to doubt if you did your part to study and understand scripture, listen to testimonies really dive in. At least you believe though so there's hope for you yet...unlike these folks who just laugh off any and all such notion off heaven, hell, God etc.
great answer so in other words you have no %%!#$!+ idea what happens to dude when he died?

...and study what word? The word of another man, you mean that word?

testimonies from who people in hell? c'mon G   
Originally Posted by CashBanks

Originally Posted by ESyDC

You're the type to believe but don't study the word at all though. You wouldn't have to doubt if you did your part to study and understand scripture, listen to testimonies really dive in. At least you believe though so there's hope for you yet...unlike these folks who just laugh off any and all such notion off heaven, hell, God etc.
great answer so in other words you have no %%!#$!+ idea what happens to dude when he died?

...and study what word? The word of another man, you mean that word?

testimonies from who people in hell? c'mon G   

Can we PLEASE not turn this into another religion thread? The last thing we need is the birth of another SillyPutty and 50+ other threads based on the same tired arguments over and over again. If you believe, believe. If you don't, don't. No need to argue anymore, just let each have his own. Enough already.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Why are some of you so mad? Lol
I know right, I'm reading some of these replies and ppl seem mad and/or way too serious.

@ study the word. Why do you believe the word is true?
 At some of ya'll thought processes and comments.  I don't think anyone would disagree that suicide is selfish but damn some of the things that I read on this site leave me in awe and not in a good way.
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