Man Found Guilty Commits Suicide in the Courtroom .. Vid ......

Originally Posted by golfinguru11

Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

why do some of you guys have so much hate for white people?

im sayin

every week i see at least 1 thread always about how black people got it harder or tryna blame white people as a whole for something that has nothing to do with their situation

ignorance is bliss is guess
Im going to try and sound as non-racist as possible. But basically, white people (Americans in particularly) treated blacks horribly for a long time. To make up for that injustice, over the past 50 years whites have tried to make up for that by giving blacks inherent advantages (public housing, affirmative action, etc.). Some of it worked to help them, and some of the programs did not. In any case, blacks still think that they are not equal. They (Not all, but a lot) think whites are out to get them, and therefore they hate them. This may have been the case 50 years ago, but to a large extent it isn't the case anymore. The fact that we have a black president should be an indication to that. Does that mean that there is no racism at all ever in the world? NO. But to be truly equal, blacks have to stop having a chip on their shoulder. If you feel like everyone is out to get you, then how can you ever become equal? Like, get over it. I am Jewish and the Germans killed over half of my people less than 75 years ago. Slavery was almost 200 years ago btw. My great aunt has a stamp on her arm with a number from the concentration camp. Like cattle. Like a slave. Does that mean I should hate every German I see? If I go to Germany should I be given special privileges? 
Blacks get into college much easier than whites with affirmative action. If they are fired from a job they can often sue an employer for discrimination/unlawful termination (it has happened to friends of mine). In todays society, things have largely been turned around. People may say "Oh but whites still have all the money" well thats because they make up more than half of the population, compared to just over 10%. Im kind of ranting here, but just trying to say that while there may be no real thing as "reverse racism" blacks definitely have it made in 2012. Im sick and tired of hearing stuff from people. Blacks and whites both. Its ridiculous. The world isn't perfect. Please get over it. Live your lives not in jealousy over what others have/are, but be appreciative of who you are. 
i usually don't get into the racial stuff on NT, but if i can ask seriously, do white people really think like this??? not calling you racist or anything, but does the average white person really feel like black people "have it made" in 2012???
lesson: dont EVER EVER try to bring up race when you're caucasian...doesn't matter weather we have good argument or not, nor weather reverse racism exists in any facet...

How many times have I told you dudes here on NT, there is NO such thing as reverse racism.  It doesn't exist. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

lesson: dont EVER EVER try to bring up race when you're caucasian...doesn't matter weather we have good argument or not, nor weather reverse racism exists in any facet...

How many times have I told you dudes here on NT, there is NO such thing as reverse racism.  It doesn't exist. 
i won't listen to a guy who doesn't know the difference from whether and weather

learn to spell before you try to educate me about life
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by golfinguru11

Originally Posted by WaitWut

im sayin

every week i see at least 1 thread always about how black people got it harder or tryna blame white people as a whole for something that has nothing to do with their situation

ignorance is bliss is guess
Im going to try and sound as non-racist as possible. But basically, white people (Americans in particularly) treated blacks horribly for a long time. To make up for that injustice, over the past 50 years whites have tried to make up for that by giving blacks inherent advantages (public housing, affirmative action, etc.). Some of it worked to help them, and some of the programs did not. In any case, blacks still think that they are not equal. They (Not all, but a lot) think whites are out to get them, and therefore they hate them. This may have been the case 50 years ago, but to a large extent it isn't the case anymore. The fact that we have a black president should be an indication to that. Does that mean that there is no racism at all ever in the world? NO. But to be truly equal, blacks have to stop having a chip on their shoulder. If you feel like everyone is out to get you, then how can you ever become equal? Like, get over it. I am Jewish and the Germans killed over half of my people less than 75 years ago. Slavery was almost 200 years ago btw. My great aunt has a stamp on her arm with a number from the concentration camp. Like cattle. Like a slave. Does that mean I should hate every German I see? If I go to Germany should I be given special privileges? 
Blacks get into college much easier than whites with affirmative action. If they are fired from a job they can often sue an employer for discrimination/unlawful termination (it has happened to friends of mine). In todays society, things have largely been turned around. People may say "Oh but whites still have all the money" well thats because they make up more than half of the population, compared to just over 10%. Im kind of ranting here, but just trying to say that while there may be no real thing as "reverse racism" blacks definitely have it made in 2012. Im sick and tired of hearing stuff from people. Blacks and whites both. Its ridiculous. The world isn't perfect. Please get over it. Live your lives not in jealousy over what others have/are, but be appreciative of who you are. 
It's your opinion but it really seems like you have some pent up anger. sound like one of those people who got deined a job/promotion/college and want to blame it on someone else. #justSayin

one of the biggest excuses i see used by black people in this forum #justsayin
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by golfinguru11

Originally Posted by WaitWut

im sayin

every week i see at least 1 thread always about how black people got it harder or tryna blame white people as a whole for something that has nothing to do with their situation

ignorance is bliss is guess
Im going to try and sound as non-racist as possible. But basically, white people (Americans in particularly) treated blacks horribly for a long time. To make up for that injustice, over the past 50 years whites have tried to make up for that by giving blacks inherent advantages (public housing, affirmative action, etc.). Some of it worked to help them, and some of the programs did not. In any case, blacks still think that they are not equal. They (Not all, but a lot) think whites are out to get them, and therefore they hate them. This may have been the case 50 years ago, but to a large extent it isn't the case anymore. The fact that we have a black president should be an indication to that. Does that mean that there is no racism at all ever in the world? NO. But to be truly equal, blacks have to stop having a chip on their shoulder. If you feel like everyone is out to get you, then how can you ever become equal? Like, get over it. I am Jewish and the Germans killed over half of my people less than 75 years ago. Slavery was almost 200 years ago btw. My great aunt has a stamp on her arm with a number from the concentration camp. Like cattle. Like a slave. Does that mean I should hate every German I see? If I go to Germany should I be given special privileges? 
Blacks get into college much easier than whites with affirmative action. If they are fired from a job they can often sue an employer for discrimination/unlawful termination (it has happened to friends of mine). In todays society, things have largely been turned around. People may say "Oh but whites still have all the money" well thats because they make up more than half of the population, compared to just over 10%. Im kind of ranting here, but just trying to say that while there may be no real thing as "reverse racism" blacks definitely have it made in 2012. Im sick and tired of hearing stuff from people. Blacks and whites both. Its ridiculous. The world isn't perfect. Please get over it. Live your lives not in jealousy over what others have/are, but be appreciative of who you are. 
i usually don't get into the racial stuff on NT, but if i can ask seriously, do white people really think like this??? not calling you racist or anything, but does the average white person really feel like black people "have it made" in 2012???
Do black people really think i have anything to do with what white people did hundreds of years ago? i mean come on some of the people in this forum act like we drink from the fountain of tuck ever lasting and are the same people from back then
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Deuce King

lesson: dont EVER EVER try to bring up race when you're caucasian...doesn't matter weather we have good argument or not, nor weather reverse racism exists in any facet...

How many times have I told you dudes here on NT, there is NO such thing as reverse racism.  It doesn't exist. 
i won't listen to a guy who doesn't know the difference from whether and weather

learn to spell before you try to educate me about life

I really am getting tired of NT turning every argument into a nitpicking of one's spelling/terminology etc.  you know damn well what I meant when I said "reverse racism" in context to my post, as well as the post I was responding to.  You dudes need to start using common sense and look at the big picture instead of trying to one up each other on weather or not one used the "correct term" or was spelled correctly.

If we all did that, I think we'd get further in our arguments.  Heck, maybe even solve some without posts going 500 pages
Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Deuce King

How many times have I told you dudes here on NT, there is NO such thing as reverse racism.  It doesn't exist. 
i won't listen to a guy who doesn't know the difference from whether and weather

learn to spell before you try to educate me about life
I really am getting tired of NT turning every argument into a nitpicking of one's spelling/terminology etc.  you know damn well what I meant when I said "reverse racism" in context to my post, as well as the post I was responding to.  You dudes need to start using common sense and look at the big picture instead of trying to one up each other on weather or not one used the "correct term" or was spelled correctly.

If we all did that, I think we'd get further in our arguments.  Heck, maybe even solve some without posts going 500 pages
there is reverse racism
but if don't want to believe it still lets just call it "reverse bigotry"," reverse prejudice", "reverse hatred".
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

i won't listen to a guy who doesn't know the difference from whether and weather

learn to spell before you try to educate me about life
I really am getting tired of NT turning every argument into a nitpicking of one's spelling/terminology etc.  you know damn well what I meant when I said "reverse racism" in context to my post, as well as the post I was responding to.  You dudes need to start using common sense and look at the big picture instead of trying to one up each other on weather or not one used the "correct term" or was spelled correctly.

If we all did that, I think we'd get further in our arguments.  Heck, maybe even solve some without posts going 500 pages
there is reverse racism
but if don't want to believe it still lets just call it "reverse bigotry"," reverse prejudice", "reverse hatred".   the reverse racism quote came from me ca. pg. 2

dude im the amended original person who POSTED that in the first place...

of course there is reverse our country (USA for those international NT'ers) racism, profiling an the likes deal majority wise with whites and black (whites toward blacks being predominant) therefore """"reverse racism""" is quite frankly the backlash of years of discrimination of whites toward blacks.  There definitely are two classes of "race pride dominated" groups.  Assuredly and again predominately  blacks being mad about the fact that they are unjustly profiled by the white man, in converse whites being mad (less predominately, an perhaps less justifiably) at black folks making ill educated assumptions about us white folk. (perhaps could be considered reverse racism if taken in that context.

although I can never say ive dealt with the realities of being a black man, and understand that in our country that it is much more frustrating to deal with the "you're black, and therefore a criminal"  than it is "you're white and can't dance, get ladies or are corny".. i totally understand that, but to say that the racism (or whatever you want to call it, but the stuff we got taught in school as named "racism smh) doesnt go both ways, on an scale is ignorant.  Also to not understand that the most common form of racism (acknowledged on both sides) white to black doesnt get flipped and "reversed" on the "racist" is just soap boxing.
  Stick with your points folks, and lets not get tangled up in logistics.

to those that commented, I do appreciate your thirst for knowledge, but lets steer clear of that rhetoric.  
there is reverse racism

but if don't want to believe it still lets just call it "reverse bigotry","
reverse prejudice", "reverse hatred".

understand that, but to say that the racism doesnt go both ways, on an scale is

It's amazing that some of you dudes still don't understand the difference between racism and prejudice.  One more time just to help you dudes out, there is and can be reverse prejudice or prejudice in general, but in this country there is only one form of racism and that's whites against blacks.  There is no such thing as reverse racism, or to be more specific blacks against whites.  There is and has been no system (which is what an "ism" is) that has been set up to help blacks to the determent of white people. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

there is reverse racism

but if don't want to believe it still lets just call it "reverse bigotry","
reverse prejudice", "reverse hatred".

understand that, but to say that the racism doesnt go both ways, on an scale is

It's amazing that some of you dudes still don't understand the difference between racism and prejudice.  One more time just to help you dudes out, there is and can be reverse prejudice or prejudice in general, but in this country there is only one form of racism and that's whites against blacks.  There is no such thing as reverse racism, or to be more specific blacks against whites.  There is and has been no system (which is what an "ism" is) that has been set up to help blacks to the determent of white people. 
  after i go on for days about folks doing this, you come in here with that
Originally Posted by Deuce King

there is reverse racism

but if don't want to believe it still lets just call it "reverse bigotry","
reverse prejudice", "reverse hatred".

understand that, but to say that the racism doesnt go both ways, on an scale is

It's amazing that some of you dudes still don't understand the difference between racism and prejudice.  One more time just to help you dudes out, there is and can be reverse prejudice or prejudice in general, but in this country there is only one form of racism and that's whites against blacks.  There is no such thing as reverse racism, or to be more specific blacks against whites.  There is and has been no system (which is what an "ism" is) that has been set up to help blacks to the determent of white people. 
An -ism, is a belief system, not a formal set of rules or policies. Conservatism, liberalism, Judaism, Hinduism? None of those are systems set in place to oppress another group rather a lens that a particular group uses to view the world through.

Racism exists in many forms, not just a particular group over another. Hence why this country implemented the Civil Rights Act in 1964 to prevent one group from discriminating against another group based solely on their color.
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