Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

Whoa...I didn't see (or pay attention) to the possibility of Gordon Levitt making an appearance as Batman at the end of Man Of Steel kind of the way the Marvel movies have showed cameos of characters from upcoming movies...Interesting...I included the link to the HitFlix post SlashFilm referred to. Very interesting....

I think people are still reaching too far with JGL playing Bats, I'd wait for a more reputable and concrete source before I believe it.
Plus dude is just too scrawny to be Batman, I have a feeling that dude will simply look puny next to Cavill as Superman. Plus do we really want Robert Blake to be the Batman in JLA? I want Bruce Wayne!

plus, has it even been confirmed that Cavill would be the superman in the JLA movie? We'll have to see if the MOS universe is conducive to housing more super heroes
WB is at a critical juncture with it's DC comics rights (at least I think). I bet the folks at DC are looking at all the quality/quantity Marvel output licking their chops (although Nolan's Batman movies are better than any of the Marvel films put together IMO). I'm pretty sure their antsy about laying groundwork for future pics too like the JLA movies (whenever that gets off the ground). I'm not sure what to believe though, but it was exciting to read from a fan perspective. I guess we'll see what's what soon enough...
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WB is at a critical juncture with it's DC comics rights (at least I think). I bet the folks at DC are looking at all the quality/quantity Marvel output licking their chops (although Nolan's Batman movies are better than any of the Marvel films put together IMO). I'm pretty sure their antsy about laying groundwork for future pics too like the JLA movies (whenever that gets off the ground). I'm not sure what to believe though, but it was exciting to read from a fan perspective. I guess we'll see what's what soon enough...

comparing apples to oranges. Sure theyre both fruits, but are they really that similar. TDk was fantastic, but comparing it to the Avengers is a disservice to both movies.
a Justice League movie backed up by Nolan and friends will destroy The Avengers enjoy both of them, but Avengers will become more of a childs fantasy while Justice league will be the fantasy of that child now that has grown up, not sure if it makes sense, but you simply have to have Bale back as Bats man....JGL is dope and im sure he can bulk up for the role, is really not that hard for actors, but Bale played this role out for 3 films and is the best to have done it, keep him.....i would love to see JGL in the film as well though....if this movie follows a success, DC's downfall has always been its villains in my opinion, hopefully this is a good turn around for them to take some of the fan spotlight off Marvel.
Who is zod? should I watch any previous superman films? I hear they all suck.

they may seem corny now, but Reeve's Superman is a classic, cut it out.

Cut what out? NT doesn't seem to like the christopher reeve films or the one that came out a few years ago either. I've never bothered with them. I just want to know if I should watch them before I see Man Of Steel.
a Justice League movie backed up by Nolan and friends will destroy The Avengers enjoy both of them, but Avengers will become more of a childs fantasy while Justice league will be the fantasy of that child now that has grown up, not sure if it makes sense, but you simply have to have Bale back as Bats man....JGL is dope and im sure he can bulk up for the role, is really not that hard for actors, but Bale played this role out for 3 films and is the best to have done it, keep him.....i would love to see JGL in the film as well though....if this movie follows a success, DC's downfall has always been its villains in my opinion, hopefully this is a good turn around for them to take some of the fan spotlight off Marvel.

the thing about Bale is that TDKR pretty much cemented his version of batman as an aged over the hill hero who retired. Plus it would make people wonder where the other major heroes were at during the crisis in Gotham.
Superman I & II were good, III & IV, it was ok to me but you probably have to be a Superman fan to enjoy.

I still stand by SR and that it was a halfway decent Superman film, it just ran too long, they gave him a kid, made him a stalker and did not throw a single punch. I still think that even if they kept all of those but put a villain he can go toe to toe with and show a 5-10 minutes fight scene, maybe put Luthor in his power suit(?), and it would have been much more enjoyable.
Cut what out? NT doesn't seem to like the christopher reeve films or the one that came out a few years ago either. I've never bothered with them. I just want to know if I should watch them before I see Man Of Steel.

you saying they suck :lol:

the recent Superman wasnt terrible but it was far from good, imo mainly because of Lex.....although he seemed to always be his main nemesis, i always hated that Supes would even have a human Villain, like son you are SUPERMAN!

thats why im happy General Zod is the villain....reminds me of Superman 2 which to me was the best.....only reason the older superman films are kind of trash now is because we are so used to what technology can offer us through CGI that we cant get passed the terrible special
my only problem with this new version of Supes is the actor they chose to play Zod....never really liked him and he has a funny

but in Nolan we trust....
RFX or anyone... can you explain Hollywood's obsession with making all new superhero movies 'dark' now?

you cant blame them, the success of Batman, a franchise that was just aweful prior to the first Nolan film is something to take notes from and immitate.....even the new spiderman was much more enjoyable than any of Tobey's Spidermans.....and i like Tobey.
Simply a 'dark' batman was a hit and now everybody wants to follow suit. annoys the **** out of me.

why would it annoy you?.....we are the consumer and at the end of the day i rather pay to watch a dark gritty super hero movie.
why would it annoy you?.....we are the consumer and at the end of the day i rather pay to watch a dark gritty super hero movie.
I think the bandwagon jumping is the annoying part. Rather than get a director to put his own unique spin on it, we have studios forcing the movies to be darker for the sake of being darker. Not everything has to be "nolanified"
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RFX or anyone... can you explain Hollywood's obsession with making all new superhero movies 'dark' now?

It really is due to Nolans Batman success, which has a story meant to be dark anyways. He also made more realistic (showing how Bats weapons and arsenal works and translates to the real world), which is good because the characters are humanized.

There really hasn't been much "dark" superhero film if you think about it, just the latest SpiderMan but again his story is somewhat dark with the tragedy of his uncle being the cause of his turn as a superhero, we just got used to the more colorful and fun trilogy. I can't really think of any other Superhero film that was pretty "dark" other than that.

The Man of Steel doesn't seem to be meant to be "dark" per say either, just a different spin from the usual Big Blue Boy Scout we have come to know in the prior films and comics. We also have to keep in mind that these characters are evolving with our times, within this generation. Superman already lost the red underwear in the comics and has been a bit darker too, he was even being called emo before the new 52 released. He isn't a pure goody-two-shoes in the comics anymore, he is still that Superman that is good old American way but with a bit more edginess, which can be a double edge sword. In one hand, it kind of steps into his origins (although there was a few years there were he was a complete ****) but on the other side the new generation also needs to be introduced to Superman, which is pretty much a SpiderMan/Batman crowd now.

Well at least that is how I view it. I am not a purist and I am ok with change but to a certain extent. I like what I am seeing so far in this film.
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Ya, bring back the days of Joel Schumacher made Batman flicks :lol:

from a kids perspective, those movies were awesome. I loved them thangs. The toys etc.

Even Schumacher admitted that he made those movies to sell toys.

"I think what's very interesting about Batman and how brilliant Chris Nolan is is, if you look at the last Batman, ours were at a much simpler time," Schumacher says. "Our job was to entertain the whole family. To make it fun and sell a lot of toys. It was a franchise. The last one is really about what we're going through, the extraordinary gap between the haves and the have-nots... I think right now the last Batman is very reflective of the times we're living in, which are scary times. I'm not a predictor of revolutions and I don't think there will be one in the United States, but there are the seeds of it. When you have too many poor and too many rich, those are the seeds of revolution."
i loveeeeeeddddddddd Power Rangers as a kid too....just saying, we grow up as an audience and so should the films...

oh definitely, its just I dont bash stuff just because Im older. I just say its not meant for me, at this point in time

Even Schumacher admitted that he made those movies to sell toys.

thats sorta why, even tho I may not think transformers have been very good. Im sure there are kids out there who love those movies and the toys. cant knock the hustle
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This is pretty OD, but someone might appreciate it. :lol:

[h1]BEHIND THE STEEL CURTAIN: Official Breakdown of the ‘MAN OF STEEL’ Trailer[/h1]Written By: Colin J. Liotta | December 11, 2012


The official trailer  for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel hit the web today and it looks epic.  The trailer gives you a great idea of the scope of the film in terms of its action sequences, but you can also tell that this movie will be heavily focused on who Clark is as a character, and what his path to becoming Superman entails.

Here is my official breakdown of the newest trailer, including early theories on what some of the scenes represent.

0:00-0:12 – Studio logos: Warner Bros., Legendary, DC Comics, Syncopy

0:13-0:17Elegy by Lisa Gerrard and Patrick Cassidy starts playing (the music throughout the trailer).  We see a shot of Clark floating underwater among wreckage—likely from an accident that happened on his fishing boat, which we saw him working on in the teaser trailer.  We hear a boy’s voiceover (VO), a young Clark say, “The world’s too big, Mom.”

0:18-0:22 – Close up shot of Clark’s face underwater.  We hear a VO of his mother (Diane Lane) say, “Then make it small.”

0:23-0:25 – Flashback scene showing a cup full of pencils and someone writing (in cursive!).

0:26-0:28 – Boy running down the hallway.  Clark’s mom says, “Focus on my voice.”

0:29-0:35 – We see young Clark crouched in a closet and his mom sitting outside of it. “Pretend it’s an island, out in the ocean.  Can you see it?”

0:36-0:38 – We fade out of young Clark’s face and back to Clark’s face underwater.  VO from young Clark says, “I see it.”  Older Clark opens his eyes underwater.

0:39-0:40 – Water gently lapping against a stone.

0:41-0:43 – We see a school bus falling and crashing into the water.  A woman’s VO: “My son was in the bus.”

0:44-0:46 – Water filling the bus as kids scream, trying to escape.

0:47-0:50 – The bus has been lifted out of the water.  A girl looks to the back of the bus and sees a teenage Clark outside the bus, having presumably lifted it out of the water.  The woman’s VO continues: “He saw what Clark did.”

0:51-0:56 – A teenage Clark sits in the back of an old, blue pickup truck on the Kent Farm with the sun setting in the distance.  His father, Jonathan (played by Kevin Costner) says, “You have to keep this side of yourself a secret.”  Teenage Clark turns to him and says, “What was I supposed to do, just let them die?”

0:57-1:00 – Fast forward several years to older Clark, beard and all, watching a small school bus drive by.

1:01-1:02 – Back to the farm scene, and Jonathan Kent responding, “Maybe.”

1:03-1:05 – NEXT SUMMER

1:06-1:07 – Clark wandering around what is likely the Fortress of Solitude.

1:08-1:10  – Clark says, “I have so many questions.”  He is likely saying this to some holographic image of his father, Jor-El, played by Russell Crowe.  Remember that in the original Superman movie with Christopher Reeves, Clark visited the Fortress of Solitude and spoke with his father, played by the late, great Marlon Brando.

1:11-1:12 – Clark: “Where do I come from?”  He is holding some small object with the ‘S’ insignia on it.

1:13-1:18 – We see Clark, now Superman, wearing the infamous red boots and red cape walking out in the snow, his cape flapping in the wind.

1:19-1:25 – Wide-angle shot of Clark from a distance in his Superman suit, the Arctic sun in the background.  VO from Jonathan Kent: “You just have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be, Clark.”

1:26-1:30 – Jonathan Kent VO: “Whoever that man is…”  We see a shot of Superman’s back as he looks out over the Arctic landscape.  We fade in on his face as he looks up at the sun and closes his eyes.

1:31-1:38 – Jonathan Kent VO: “Is going to change the world.”  We see Superman’s right fist on the ground as he rests on one knee.  The ground starts shaking, stones bouncing around him, pressure building.  (Reader jasvll rightfully pointed out that the new musical cue that begins here is Storm from Elizabeth: The Golden Age).

1:39-1:42 – Superman rockets off the ground and into the sky.

1:43-1:44 – We see Superman flying in space, the earth above him.


1:47 – Giant explosion, looks like Metropolis exploding.  If you look real close you can see someone in the debris.

1:48 – Fade in on Jor-El and his wife/Superman’s mom Lara Lor-Van (played by Ayelet Zurer).  Jor-El looks at her as she gently kisses the head of their infant son.

1:49 – Shot of a bearded Clark emerging from a fire, shirtless and unscathed.  (My wife always thought Henry Cavill was hot so this confirms it).  This scene likely ties in with these set photos.

1:50 – An explosion in space among what appears to be a ship.  This may be the scene where the ship carrying infant Clark is trying to escape from Krypton before it is destroyed.

1:51 – An outside shot of the Kent Farm with a spaceship—likely Clark’s—hovering behind a tree.

1:52 – Shot of Michael Shannon as General Zod.

1:53 – Superman falling to his knees.  (Kneel before Zod, anyone?)

1:54 – Two people running as a building collapses behind them.  The man on the left looks to be Laurence Fishburne, who will be playing Perry White in the film.  White, of course, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet newspaper where Clark works as a journalist.

1:55 – A woman watching an explosion in front of them.  Perhaps Superman’s mom.  This may be another scene showing Krypton’s imminent destruction.


1:58 – Shot of a lake at either dawn or dusk.  A man in a boat casts a fishing net as a bright object falls from the sky.  I’m going to guess this is actually the scene where Zod comes to Earth.  Remember, Superman lands in Kansas as a baby, so the chances of there being mountains and a lake there are next to none.

1:59 – Quick shot of Superman being marched down a hallway in handcuffs accompanied by soldiers.  This is the shot from the latest Man of Steel movie poster.  We fade in on a bearded, shirtless Clark screaming as he attempts to lift something while a fire roars behind him.  Again, this likely takes place on the fishing boat.

2:00 – Superman flies down the side of a building and collides with someone, likely Zod or one of his soldiers.

2:01 – A giant spaceship emerges from an explosion.  Based on what the spaceship looked like in the Kent Farm scene (at the 1:51 point of the trailer) it is likely another shot of Clark’s ship leaving Krypton.

2:02 – Christopher Meloni’s character, Colonel Hardy, and another man with glasses look up at something in the sky.  It is clearly a bright object since Meloni’s character looks to be shielding his eyes.

2:03-2:04 – Jonathan Kent kisses the head of a young Clark.  We then fade in on an older Clark holding a young girl as a tornado rages in the background—we are in Kansas after all.

2:05-2:09 – Clark VO starts: “My father believed, that if the world found out who I really was, they’d reject me.”  We see a series of shots, beginning with a picture in an album of a young Clark at a science fair with Jonathan Kent.  We see Superman standing in the doorway of the Kent Farm hugging his mother.  We then cut to a quick shot of (presumably) Superman flying alongside a beam of light towards a bright portal.  This could very well be a scene involving the Phantom Zone.  We get a close up shot of Superman’s suit, and then cut to Superman crashing through a door and into a giant safe.

2:10-2:14 – Clark’s VO continues: “He was convinced that the world wasn’t ready.”  We see a wide-angle shot of soldiers in hummers on a runway in what looks to be the desert.  All eyes—and guns—are aimed towards the end of the runway where Superman is standing with Lois Lane (played by Amy Adams).  We cut to Superman looking at Lois and then the two grabbing hands.

2:15-2:18 – Soldiers aim their guns among a heap of rubble as Superman’s boots step into view.  Clark’s VO concludes: “What do you think?”

2:19-2:22 – MAN OF STEEL

2:23-2:25 – SUPERMAN’S LOGO

2:26 -2:27 – 2013

2:28-2:33 – Credits
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