Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

I felt like Singer made a very beautiful diorama in honor of the first two films. He had little moments all over where he paid homage to those films and basically just made a movie to say "hey guys, Superman's still alive." That's not a movie, that's a vanity project. It was gorgeous and smooth, but it wasn't at all it's own thing and it stopped beig entertaining once we realized that the movie was never gonna gain momentum or act like it didn't come out in the 80s.

You're right, wrong time for that kind of movie. Like 20 years wrong.
I felt like Singer made a very beautiful diorama in honor of the first two films. He had little moments all over where he paid homage to those films and basically just made a movie to say "hey guys, Superman's still alive." That's not a movie, that's a vanity project. It was gorgeous and smooth, but it wasn't at all it's own thing and it stopped beig entertaining once we realized that the movie was never gonna gain momentum or act like it didn't come out in the 80s.
You're right, wrong time for that kind of movie. Like 20 years wrong.

Which is sorta why I can still enjoy SR. Its not a bad movie, just not what is wanted in this day and age, with CGI etc. Story wise, the movie was fine. I liked the love triangle thing
Naw, I didn't take offense to fanboy, I hear ya, I just am pointing out that I'm not worried about the source material or what not, I have followed the films, well, like 3 of them. The other ones......never happened. :lol:

Supes will do hero-y things, make no mistake. Look at the scene of Clark holding the little boy looking up, you know something's coming from that.
Taken in to custody......think about that. What'd they do, use handcuffs? :lol:

He is being thrown some adversity, and he will have to overcome it, and not by just blowing things up, or laser eyeing people, he'll have to be more than just the Man of Steel in the what he can do sense.

Look, without this preview, I wouldn't go to bat from them at all. I was scared as **** that Snyder was gonna mess this up. Now, I feel strong as hell that the path they have chosen, is correct. Can it still fail? Sure. But with Nolan pulling strings, his writing team in effect, and Snyder handling the vision only, I am now extremely excited for what's coming.
Could you imagine if somehow M. Night Shymalan and Zach Snyder both have good films next year?........

2012 came late.
:wow: Sounds like Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer on the soundtrack.
This + the new trailor = Epic Film.

A vacation day will be taken.
I thought they showed plenty of Clark as Superman.
Plus this is an origin story so they have to focus on what made Superman, well Superman.
Remember the first IronMan movie and how little we got to see of IronMan, it is mostly Stark and him making Mark I? Then we just see a quick glimpse of IronMan being chased by fighter jets just to tease the viewers. Exact same thing, this trailer actually showed more Superman and even him about to clash with Zod, him walking on snow in his suit, being tossed to the bank vault, flying, charging up, holding Lois' hand, hugging his mom, etc.... I think more than half of the trailer he was actually Superman.

but the difference is, IM was new to the big screen. Much like Spiderman and batman, the audience knows Supermans origins and probably doesnt really care. Me personally, I just wanna see Superman fight darkseid and kick some ***

Yah but the difference is, Snyder is obviously trying to change his origins and how people view him. You can tell from the trailer alone, the tone, the feeling, the cinematic, it's pretty different from the other Superman films and from the Superman most have come to love.

Go watch the Batman Begins trailer again, how often did you see Batman? Batman has had way more films than Superman and his origins have been shown at least 2-3 times now, not including the flashbacks in almost every movie not made by Nolan.

The main issue you have that I addressed was the fact that you feel you wanted more Superman when he was all over the trailer. Then you go on a tangent how IM was new to the big screen? Has absoolutely nothing to do with him being in the trailer with the armor on at all. It is not different from this trailer but it moot anyways because Superman is all over this trailer, watch it again if you want.

But wait, by disagreeing am I being a mad fanboy? But I am merely pointing out the fact that Superman was in majority of the trailer disagreeing with what you said. Just because they didn't show him punching Zod in the face in super slo-mo while blasting Ursa with his heat beam and choking Non all at the same time means he isn't in the trailer enough?
Yah but the difference is, Snyder is obviously trying to change his origins and how people view him. You can tell from the trailer alone, the tone, the feeling, the cinematic, it's pretty different from the other Superman films and from the Superman most have come to love.
Go watch the Batman Begins trailer again, how often did you see Batman? Batman has had way more films than Superman and his origins have been shown at least 2-3 times now, not including the flashbacks in almost every movie not made by Nolan.
The main issue you have that I addressed was the fact that you feel you wanted more Superman when he was all over the trailer. Then you go on a tangent how IM was new to the big screen? Has absoolutely nothing to do with him being in the trailer with the armor on at all. It is not different from this trailer but it moot anyways because Superman is all over this trailer, watch it again if you want.
But wait, by disagreeing am I being a mad fanboy? But I am merely pointing out the fact that Superman was in majority of the trailer disagreeing with what you said. Just because they didn't show him punching Zod in the face in super slo-mo while blasting Ursa with his heat beam and choking Non all at the same time means he isn't in the trailer enough?

I wasnt even talking to you when I said fanboy. Go back and read my actual post

I said I wanted more superman doing superman things. There were like 2-3 flashes of him flying fighting etc
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Yah but the difference is, Snyder is obviously trying to change his origins and how people view him. You can tell from the trailer alone, the tone, the feeling, the cinematic, it's pretty different from the other Superman films and from the Superman most have come to love.
Go watch the Batman Begins trailer again, how often did you see Batman? Batman has had way more films than Superman and his origins have been shown at least 2-3 times now, not including the flashbacks in almost every movie not made by Nolan.
The main issue you have that I addressed was the fact that you feel you wanted more Superman when he was all over the trailer. Then you go on a tangent how IM was new to the big screen? Has absoolutely nothing to do with him being in the trailer with the armor on at all. It is not different from this trailer but it moot anyways because Superman is all over this trailer, watch it again if you want.
But wait, by disagreeing am I being a mad fanboy? But I am merely pointing out the fact that Superman was in majority of the trailer disagreeing with what you said. Just because they didn't show him punching Zod in the face in super slo-mo while blasting Ursa with his heat beam and choking Non all at the same time means he isn't in the trailer enough?

I wasnt even talking to you when I said fanboy. Go back and read my actual post

I said I wanted more superman doing superman things. There were like 2-3 flashes of him flying fighting etc

I know you didn't call me fanboy, that was to avoid you calling me fanboy as an attack (reversing it).

And nah, you're main complain was the frequency of Supermans appearance.

the trailer shows way to much of the journey and not enough of Superman. If I didnt know better, Id assume Zod wasnt even in the movie. Youre trying to grab an audience. its like if a spiderman trailer showed just peter parker for 3/4 and then him as spiderman

Plus Snyder obviously has big plans with Zod, he might not even be the main villain. He wouldn't allow his actors to even admit they were playing Zod in the beginning, he is pretty secretive about it. Again you want the plot and the main villains to be on the trailer (the first trailer) when the film is about Superman. It is your own opinion that you don't care but Snyder and Nolan obviously want to show this side for a reason. I just think you are nitpicking too much on a trailer that was well made. You want him to punch something and fight Zod, you're going to have to see the film, they give that away or what Snyder has planned then the movie will be ruined. Or at least wait closer to release when they release exclusive clips to get the movie more hyped. The film is still 7 months away.

Again it's a first trailer, enjoy it for what it is but again the only thing I was initially discussing was Supermans appearance frequency in the trailer and he was there for half of the trailer.
That trailer confused the hell out of me..........was all over the place.

STOKED THO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I cried watching that trailer....they really feeding off the Dark Knight steez I ain't eem mad
Superman movies nvr caught my interest. But this Man of Steel might be on some other ish.
Yeah I saw the trailer last night and this movie looks dope as hell 8)

Can't wait and I'm not going to watch it on 4chan subtract 3chan either :wink:

I'm going to go and pay the $100 it costs to go to the movies these days in NYC.

Yes about $40-$50 for it in iMax 3D and all other food or what not :smh:

Still going though... :D
LOL @ people not liking the trailer.

That is EXACTLY how you do a superhero trailer these days. It's more powerful than seeing superman fighter for an entire 2 mins IMO.

Dat Dark Knight feel is so :pimp: man.
superman has been corny and pg-13 forever. time for some gritty :smokin
Whoa...I didn't see (or pay attention) to the possibility of Gordon Levitt making an appearance as Batman at the end of Man Of Steel kind of the way the Marvel movies have showed cameos of characters from upcoming movies...Interesting...I included the link to the HitFlix post SlashFilm referred to. Very interesting....

Christopher Nolan Plays Coy About Batman Cameo Rumors for ‘Man of Steel’
Posted on Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 by Angie Han

Despite a quick and unequivocal denial from the actor’s reps, the rumor that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is playing Batman in Man of Steel just isn’t going away. Now, coyly adding fuel to the fire is The Dark Knight Rises director and Man of Steel producer Christopher Nolan. While the filmmaker hasn’t confirmed Gordon-Levitt’s involvement in the new picture (he’d know better, even if it were true), he not denying it, either. More after the jump.

The Gordon-Levitt story spread last month when HitFix‘s sources indicated that the actor would star as new Batman in Justice League — and that, moreover, that he could appear in the Zack Snyder-directed Man of Steel to help establish the DC cinematic universe. Those who saw The Dark Knight Rises may recall that (spoiler alert!) the ending of that film set Gordon-Levitt’s character John Blake as Bruce Wayne’s Bat-Successor, so the casting made perfect sense.

Movieline caught up with Nolan at a recent event in New York, and asked point-blank whether Gordon-Levitt or anyone else would cameo as Batman in Man of Steel. Nolan’s response was less direct. “I can’t talk about that. You know that,” he said with a smile.

The comment doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know, but it seems noteworthy that Nolan didn’t simply say no. If the rumor were 100% false, we’d think Nolan would just come out and say that. Especially since Gordon-Levitt and his folk obviously want to squash it.

On the other hand, we’ve learned by now that even official statements can prove false. Remember how Nolan and company shot down all the Dark Knight Rises fan theories, and then half of them turned out to be spot-on? It’s possible that “no comment” really does mean “no comment” in this case. For what it’s worth, Nolan has previously said that the open-ended nature of The Dark Knight Rises was meant to call back to the film’s themes — not necessarily to set up a sequel or continuation.
I think people are still reaching too far with JGL playing Bats, I'd wait for a more reputable and concrete source before I believe it.

Plus dude is just too scrawny to be Batman, I have a feeling that dude will simply look puny next to Cavill as Superman. Plus do we really want Robert Blake to be the Batman in JLA? I want Bruce Wayne!
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I think people are still reaching too far with JGL playing Bats, I'd wait for a more reputable and concrete source before I believe it.

Plus dude is just too scrawny to be Batman, I have a feeling that dude will simply look puny next to Cavill as Superman. Plus do we really want Robert Blake to be the Batman in JLA? I want Bruce Wayne!


Kills the whole batman mythos. Batman=Bruce. Let him be Robin or NIghtwing or Red Robin:smh:.

Like having a superman movie with superboy taking over.:smh:
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