Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20


Anybody have an idea about what's going on here? I have no idea who this is or why they're watching.

Looks like it might be Kal Els mom during Kryptons destruction.
Looks like there's so many parts to this movie:

As a kid
As an outcast
As the hero
As the "bad guy"
THEN having to save the world

Just seems like it HAS to be long

Lets hope it's Spider-Man 3 long.

That joint was like 3:30 :lol:
If anyone cares the movie's runtime is 148 min.
They shouldv'e got a better looking actress to play Louis Lane.

im making that my fb cover photo. RIGHT NOWWWWWW

that would be too dope. Im just thinking of their convo right now

"Supes... you know I'd beat you with prep time, right?"
He should then ask, "Then why would I give prep time?"
B: "Because that's just how it is." :smh:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How's the family, Bruce?
Kal-El's family is dead too though. Well, is Martha still alive in the comics?
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