Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

I don't know how much this will make at the box office, but I got a strong feeling this will be as good as Avengers and TDKR..#ExtremelyReady
135 mil first weekend probably.

With the Superman following and Snyder/Nolan attached, it'll be popping as hell for a while I'm guessing. :pimp:
Anybody watch any films with Cavill in it? How was he? I'm interested in knowing how good he is, he's gonna be surrounded by a lot of talented actors in this movie and I hope he can hold his own.

He was the lead in Immortals. He's not a bad actor by any means. Im just not sure how he would do being supes. For example, Reeves and Routh may not have been in the best movies, but I think they portrayed the character well imo.
man, I'm boycotting this. They couldn't make louis lane attractive?

Also why isn't Kanye playing Superman? It's only right.
Can't wait for this...

Don't know if I'm willing to deal with the hassle of the first weekend crowd though.
LOOKS SOOOO GOOD! With Snyder and Nolan at the helm I really don't see how this can go wrong, I hope this is as dark as the recent Batman movies and it's looking like it's going to be.
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Just re-watched it again. (4th time now :pimp: )

Anyone know, is that S stands for Hope on Krypton true? Is that a Nolan team thing they've added? I love it, LOVE it either way.

I pray the movie doesn't let us down and all we have is this amazing trailer. But I don't think Nolan would do that. And since this was supposed to be out Christmas last year and they slowed it down so they could fine tune it, I feel pretty good they've gotten this right, and that is out ******g standing.

6-7 weeks can't get here soon enough.
Anyone know, is that S stands for Hope on Krypton true? Is that a Nolan team thing they've added? I love it, LOVE it either way.
No, it's from the comics originally -it has changed over the years though, from simply starting out as a straight forward S to the coat of arms for the house of El.

The first time it specifically appeared as the symbol of hope was in Birthright.

But the whole Superman/symbol of hope connection has always been a central theme throughout the years.
Initially, the S-shield had one meaning: S  for Superman. One of the first alternative meanings was presented in Superman: The Movie, in which it was not an S, but rather the S-shaped Coat of arms  of the House of El. After the Superman reboot story The Man of Steel, the symbol's story was that it was designed by Jonathan Kent  and was derived from an ancient Native American symbol. The symbol was featured on a medicine blanket given to an ancestor of the Kent family by a Native American tribe after he helped to cure them of a plague and was supposed to represent a snake, an animal held to possess healing powers by the tribe (implying that, by wearing this symbol, Superman was a metaphorical healer). In 2004, Mark Waid's Superman: Birthright  series says the S-Shield is the Kryptonian  symbol for "hope" and Superman believes it may have begun as a coat of arms for the House of El. Later, writer Geoff Johns confirmed it was indeed a coat of arms, as well as a symbol for hope. In the 2013 film Man of Steel, when asked by Lois Lane  what the "S" stands for, Superman states that it is not an "S", but rather the Kryptonian symbol for "hope". [sup][3][/sup]
I think in the comics, it's just the crest for the House of El. Not sure about that though. RFX45 should be able to asnwer that.

*EDIT* - Firepower beat me to it :D
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I dunno fambs watching the trailers doesn't get me hyped for this movie.
Just looks like a generic super hero movie to me.
I know this will be great...

wish we could get a yearly rotation of Nolan- doctored batman and super man flicks
I dunno fambs watching the trailers doesn't get me hyped for this movie.
Just looks like a generic super hero movie to me.

Looks like there's so many parts to this movie:

As a kid
As an outcast
As the hero
As the "bad guy"
THEN having to save the world

Just seems like it HAS to be long
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