March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

This the stuff @dcallamerican likes.
Saw this on @dcallamerican youtube history
Happy Friday yall!!!

What's going on, just put on wrestlemania 25 and finished HBO vs TAKER first time seeing my goodness what a match!!! One of the all time best matches at mania IMO.

MITB was great too, CM PUNK winning for the second was :nthat:. But i must admit with majority of the wrestlers being black i was hoping one of the four would win. I was def rooting for kofi to be The First Black Mr. MITB!!!

The Jericho Vs Legends was just :lol:. But Ricky steamboat had me :wow: boy had some fight!!
"Locked up, shot up, shot at, stabbed, hustlin'
I mean, it may look like it's the thing to be doin' but believe me it's not.
When I got in the rap game I was blessed. You know what I'm sayin'?
So for all those out there that want to be those killers, those Frank Whites and those Al Capones...
those are just movies you know what I'm sayin'?
Keep it real. Stay away from guns. Stay away from drugs. They ain't nothin' but bad news.
It ain't nothin' but a cell or a grave man, for real. I'm out." - The Notorious B.I.G. unreleased outro :smh:
Browns receiving core is going to be nice. Tyrod is trash though. Still need to draft a QB that can actually throw the ball downfield. Draft Saquon first and then QB with the 4th pick.
The 2009 HOF class was probably the best I seen so far, the funks, the von erichs, Howard finkel, ricky the dragon, SDCC!!! PHEW...
John Cena became the part timer he cut a promo against years ago. He needs to go away as do other PTers.
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