March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Very good match. Trash ending. Truly don't understand how Nakamura could be more appealing than Rusev.
That kick!!! Those double bomayes!!! A58F0ED0-A1A1-45C1-BE86-8C142D9BF0EE.gif
datboi81 datboi81 You said you had a HW assignment, Ibushi vs Nakamura.

Who assigned that to you and what exactly are you expected to look for?

Homework was assigned by one of our trainers, it was simply to watch a match in silence. Any match we consider a classic or a good one. I choose that one, but I usually watch wrestling in silence anyways. It helps slow things down and make you realize to slow down in the ring.
I'm sorry,

**** all the ones who are slandering waifu, I'm lit so come pull up and catch these knees, and much love to everyone messing with Crashlane tonight. I been sipping and living life with my fam today, but had to check in with all this trash.
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