March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Gonna start it. If you and Case Case say its good then it must be good!

I watch an insane amount of tv until my son get's home from school..So I have tons of time to give things a new try..Any shows you could recommend that I give a shot?..Always down to get reviews/recommendations..
Drew will do anything for Asuka!
And I WILL do that.
match? this ain't Tinder, mf. I am coming to kick your lily white *** and hold your beloved's hand while cheesing for the Gram.

tu destino es la dentista, cabrón.

can't believe this ****, I just want to spread frission around the world and this dickhead weeb wants to stand in my way. I'm as pissed as I've been in years.

Spread it elsewhere, baka. I'm not buying what you selling right now and neither is Kana-chan.

to quote the great Ken Shiro, "お前もう死でいる。"
I watch an insane amount of tv until my son get's home from school..So I have tons of time to give things a new try..Any shows you could recommend that I give a shot?..Always down to get reviews/recommendations..
I just started watching tv shows again. Before that Wrestling and sports was my tv time. I caught up on Orange is the new black.(was behind 2 seasons) It went down after season 3, but still gonna watch to see how it plays out. Waiting for Glow season 2. I heard Mr. Robot is good , haven't watched.
I don't know if you've watched but Rescue me is good show. (Older show) I think it might still be on netflix. Was on tv 2004-11
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