March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

green rhino123 green rhino123

Reigns hits the ring to what sounds like more cheers than usual but the boos pick up as the music stops and he takes the mic. Reigns says he wishes he could say he's surprised but he called this before. Reigns says Lesnar doesn't respect him, anyone in the company or anyone here in Detroit. Reigns goes on and says Lesnar didn't show up for work today or last week. He asks Angle what kind of repercussions there will be for Lesnar. Reigns answers for Angle and says there will be none because Lesnar is Vince McMahon's boy. Angle looks to grab Reigns' mic but Reigns tells him not to. Reigns goes on about how most people would be fired if they didn't show up for work. Reigns says Angle isn't the problem, he's just a middle man, but the real problem is Vince. Reigns says he just walked past Vince in the back and Vince didn't even have the respect to tell Reigns what was going on with Lesnar. Reigns says that's the man he busts his *** for each night. Reigns says it's one thing to be disrespected by Lesnar but he will not be disrespected by Vince. Reigns drops the mic and marches to the back.

Reigns enters the Gorilla Position backstage and asks Vince what's going on, if he's ignoring him. Shane McMahon is sitting there with Vince, as are other WWE officials working the show. Vince calls for a commercial and tells Reigns to walk away from everyone with him and they will talk. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Renee Young is outside of Vince McMahon's office. He's in there with Roman Reigns. Renee says things got pretty loud at first but not completely out of hand and things have since quieted down. Reigns comes walking out of the room but won't stop for an interview. Renee looks worried as she watches Reigns walk off. Vince walks out next and says Brock is not his boy, he's not Paul Heyman's boy, he's not anyone's boy... Brock is a man and he's his own man. Vince says he has no intentions of disrespecting Reigns and thinks he's a great competitor. Vince reminds Reigns of something his cousin The Rockused to say - know your role and shut your mouth.

Vince says Brock does have certain privileges and he will get to that in a minute. Vince says Lesnar doesn't like some people and that's on him. Vince does not think Brock respects the WWE Universe but he does respect competition and getting in the ring. Vince believes Lesnar has earned the special privileges that he has. Vince goes on and says sometimes people take advantage of what's given to them and Brock may have gotten out of line but Vince promises us Lesnar will be here next week and guarantees he will compete in the WrestleMania 34 main event with Reigns. Vince gives his word that Brock will be here next week. Regarding all the talk about disrespecting, Vince says because of what just happened with Reigns, Reigns has been temporarily suspended.

I hope after all that, Bork don't show.
green rhino123 green rhino123

Reigns hits the ring to what sounds like more cheers than usual but the boos pick up as the music stops and he takes the mic. Reigns says he wishes he could say he's surprised but he called this before. Reigns says Lesnar doesn't respect him, anyone in the company or anyone here in Detroit. Reigns goes on and says Lesnar didn't show up for work today or last week. He asks Angle what kind of repercussions there will be for Lesnar. Reigns answers for Angle and says there will be none because Lesnar is Vince McMahon's boy. Angle looks to grab Reigns' mic but Reigns tells him not to. Reigns goes on about how most people would be fired if they didn't show up for work. Reigns says Angle isn't the problem, he's just a middle man, but the real problem is Vince. Reigns says he just walked past Vince in the back and Vince didn't even have the respect to tell Reigns what was going on with Lesnar. Reigns says that's the man he busts his *** for each night. Reigns says it's one thing to be disrespected by Lesnar but he will not be disrespected by Vince. Reigns drops the mic and marches to the back.

Reigns enters the Gorilla Position backstage and asks Vince what's going on, if he's ignoring him. Shane McMahon is sitting there with Vince, as are other WWE officials working the show. Vince calls for a commercial and tells Reigns to walk away from everyone with him and they will talk. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Renee Young is outside of Vince McMahon's office. He's in there with Roman Reigns. Renee says things got pretty loud at first but not completely out of hand and things have since quieted down. Reigns comes walking out of the room but won't stop for an interview. Renee looks worried as she watches Reigns walk off. Vince walks out next and says Brock is not his boy, he's not Paul Heyman's boy, he's not anyone's boy... Brock is a man and he's his own man. Vince says he has no intentions of disrespecting Reigns and thinks he's a great competitor. Vince reminds Reigns of something his cousin The Rockused to say - know your role and shut your mouth.

Vince says Brock does have certain privileges and he will get to that in a minute. Vince says Lesnar doesn't like some people and that's on him. Vince does not think Brock respects the WWE Universe but he does respect competition and getting in the ring. Vince believes Lesnar has earned the special privileges that he has. Vince goes on and says sometimes people take advantage of what's given to them and Brock may have gotten out of line but Vince promises us Lesnar will be here next week and guarantees he will compete in the WrestleMania 34 main event with Reigns. Vince gives his word that Brock will be here next week. Regarding all the talk about disrespecting, Vince says because of what just happened with Reigns, Reigns has been temporarily suspended.

Blue Mamba Blue Mamba
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