March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

5 hours on the usa network? watch them throw an additional 2 hours after on the network :lol:
have they mentioned that it is longest running cable television program :pimp: (or something like that)
Sell more merch than most of the men :pimp:

I don't think it's hard for them to sell more merch than Dolph Ziggler, Mojo, Ryder, Gable/Shelton, and Baron Corbin :rofl:them sneaking the Bellas in that montage would be like slipping in Antonie Walker in the middle of Kobe, Shaq, Hakeem, and Bird
He was in a tan suit, right? Must've been hot as **** :lol:

You're the man for doing this though :nthat:

He was kinda confused at first haha. He goes "Look now, I'm not signing 10 of these." I said no, no, no, it's just for the 4 of us in the pic. When he actually looked at it, he lightened up a bit and started talking to me about it. I was like remember, we bumped into you out on the concourse and you were sneaking a beer. He cut me off and goes "Let's get something straight, I don't SNEAK beeuhs, I DRINK beeuhs." :lol:
WTF is this Mojo Rawley theme music?! :rofl:

They fired Jim Johnston for **** like this?! :sick:
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