March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Dude told Mr. T once that he had more chains on than his ancestors :smh:

Ya Mr. T even said back then his gold chains were symbolic of turning slave chains into gold chains like mandingo/mandinka warriors wore
so it was pretty much a softball for piper to hit and draw heat or just piss of T with
flipping what T already said himself into something nasty

Mark Henry :smokin ECW Mark, Hall of Pain, and being responsible for Braun and Neville's heel turn will always be appreciated
Who uses ketchup.

My name isn't @Master Zik

the same people who use A1...


What is a really good hot sauce?

Don't pull out thes race card, this is a serious question.

Home made caribbean hot sauce is the steez. has scotch bonnetsm, scorpion peppers, and sometimes habanero. Also, try Gochujang korean chili paste, sambal chili sauce with the rooster on it, and togarashi pepper flakes.

Don't really see how that is good news but ok...

They want Paige XXX mayne.
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the dsame people who use A1...

Home made caribbean hot sauce is the steez. has scotch bonnetsm, scorpion peppers, and sometimes habanero. Also, try Gochujang korean chili paste, sambal chili sauce with the rooster on it, and togarashi pepper flakes.

They want Paige XXX mayne.

Hell its already available :lol:
Don't really see how that is good news but ok...

Cause Paige needs to be out of the business..It’s damn near ruined her life and almost broke her..She needs to , at most, be a trainer and get off the road..I feel sorry when anyone’s in ring career is taken from them, but this could end up being the best thing for her physically and mentally..Wasn’t trying to be snarky..
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