March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

It looked like Finn is injured. The stomp or when Seth did the dive through the rope it looked like he injured Finn shoulder or collar bone. If he was selling the HELL out of it then BRAVO!
It looked like Finn is injured. The stomp or when Seth did the dive through the rope it looked like he injured Finn shoulder or collar bone. If he was selling the HELL out of it then BRAVO!

No word yet on if its legit or not.

Samoa Joe MAY miss WM34 with a foot injury.

Stop callin it the curb stomp, y'all, it's officially the blackout.
The US title finals has been moved to next weeks smackdown, which likely means Ziggler vs the winner at the rumble.
What's up with Neville? Are we going to see a return at RR? or is he waiting out his contract and wants to leave??
I think he should find his way to SD and team up with KO and Sami.

I think they should have Woods win the US title and have a four way at Mania for it with Roode going over. Xavier vs Ziggler vs Jinder vs Roode
Giving Woods a US title run would freshen them up a bit. We all know Vince wants them to be at the top with the most wins but a singles run for these guys would be good.
Scott Steiner means nothing in 2018. Dude hasn't been relevant since maybe 2008. Always good for an interview though.
I love Steiner, he is one of my favourites of all time. But I don't want to see him wrestle in 2018.
So was raw any good saw the first 30 mins and knocked out lol. Saw bruanbruan tossing those security guards like he was a damn action star in a 90s movie was awesome and hilarious
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