March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

  • According to Sports Illustrated, New Japan was interested in signing Goldberg for a run before WWE locked him up for the Hall of Fame (and possibly more).
  • EC3 cancelled a planned appearance on Jan. 28, which has increased speculation he might show up in the Royal Rumble. Several sources say he’s free and clear to sign with anyone immediately.
  • says the expectation is that Chelsea Green/Laurel Van Ness will sign with WWE in 2018. The company was impressed with her work on Impact last year.
  • A report from PW Insider says TriStar Pictures, the movie studio behind the planned Vince McMahon biopic, has a new script they’re reviewing which will be sent to Bradley Cooper upon approval. If Cooper decides to play Vince, shooting could start this Spring.
  • Impact’s next PPV isn’t locked in for Toronto yet, per PW Insider, despite mentions of that during in-ring segments at their latest taping.
I think it’s pretty safe to say that once Vince gets ahold of people their entire move set changes..Some that’s okay for and some not..Guys like Nak, Ricoshay, KO, And AJ are all world class wrestlers who’d be able to do even better if the handcuffs were taken off..
KO has an indie move set. He has tone it down since his Cena matches when he first got called up. AJ got moves for days might be toned down a little but for his age and his style I see zero problems with his move set.
TMZ is reporting that Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel, and Roman Reigns were named by a steroid dealer in a phone interview..
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