March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

MVP was the man at one point
Mvp is very underrated his fueds with undertaker (wwe) and lashley (tna) were gold. Always liked dude plus Vince was a scumbag for making him wear that jump suit because of his tats
Was think about watch Jimmy Fallon tonight cause of The New Day but may decide to pass since Steph & Shovel gonna hog the spotlight. :smh:
Mvp is very underrated his fueds with undertaker (wwe) and lashley (tna) were gold. Always liked dude plus Vince was a scumbag for making him wear that jump suit because of his tats

He was also the first IWGP IC champwin

Won via tournament where he defeated both Okada and Naito
Mvp is very underrated his fueds with undertaker (wwe) and lashley (tna) were gold. Always liked dude plus Vince was a scumbag for making him wear that jump suit because of his tats

very interesting

what kind of tats did/does he have?

WWE made enzo get some part of his tats coverd up too i think
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