March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Rich Swann: Domestic Violence charges, probably going to be released.

Neville: Walked out on the company. Is reportedly on bad terms with the WWE.

Austin Aries: Put on the Mania pre-show. Let go after a fantastic series of matches with Neville.

Enzo Amore: Suspended after Sexual Assault alligations.

**** is overrated as hell.'re not even wrong tho. same way if Power Rangers came out in 2018, it would have gotten canceled with quickness. zero plot, OP characters, basically full seasons of Taken 2.

I know imma get buried for this but Trish was overrated to me

I'll stand with you once more. I never dug the super plasticky look, at least until therapy dolls made their modern debut this year.

trish gonna pass the torch to the mandy rose. she gonna leave her bra and panties in the middle of the ring.
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