March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Dolph was suppose to do the kickoff vs roode. I suppose last min changes or big name fell out for #30. As much as i like dolph, aint no way he finessed vince in getting out of kickoff show and get the last spot like that :lol:
Dolph was suppose to do the kickoff vs roode. I suppose last min changes or big name fell out for #30. As much as i like dolph, aint no way he finessed vince in getting out of kickoff show and get the last spot like that :lol:
This would be my guess as well :lol:
How soon was HBZiggler eliminated? My stream was way delayed, I saw him come out and thought for a split second he may win the damn thing :lol: refreshed and it was just Cena and Naka in the ring (at that moment).
Suicide is a very serious matter that affects millions of people. Not an angle to garner sympathy for a brash, cocky, sore loser.

As for the heel persona being done in real sports I’ve always preferred a little humility personally. I don’t dig Mayweather either.
It is needed, that is the point I was making. Whether you like those heels or not.

The suicide part ia ubderstqndqble
The fact that ESPN was in the building covering her debut, no doubt Rousey is winning the strap at Mania. Probably beating Bliss, don't think they'll have Charlotte take the L. Guess it's also dependent on who they have Asuka challenge.

Safe to say it was the most predictable Rumble in recent memory?
No more predictable than Flair in 92 or Roman in 15


Masks and suits will never not be funny
Rey would get popped for drugs if he came back. He has never looked like that in WCW through his WWF/E run.
Wasnt booker suppose to be temporary?
Graves still doing bith shows?

Rey on that vegan diet like jinder
Yea I don’t think Booker was permanent. I do enjoy him and Graves tho, that **** is comedy. Happy for coach tho. Back where he really wants to be
I think most everyone in here knew the odds going into it.
I didn't think it was predictable either but hey
WE aren't the general public though. We talk about wrestling on a message board everyday. Coming across wrestling odds is a norm for us.

I don't think there was really anything with Nakamura's recent booking that would suggest that he would be the one winning the Rumble main eventing WM.
I thought Rey looked slimmer than before, hell he didn't wear a tshirt.

Also, he wore tights (wcw) and not the baggy wwe style pants
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