March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Man his theme song is so damn good but for a man that is so scary it jusr seems weird that he has that song. Fu***** love it tho

one if my favorite vids on YT is Ayumi performing his entrance live at WK9.

I watched a video awhile ago with both of them where he explains how he got the theme and they both just have this really cool light in there eyes because he is such a huge fan of hers and she is so flattered by him choosing her specifically to do his theme. That kind of **** brings a smile to my face.
Suzuki's hair look like it was inspired by the Supreme Foamposite..

goddamn you.


business in the front - party in the back - to the extreme

that's a man that will cut himself before he stabs you just to show you how much of a ***** you are to him. ole blade-licking mofo.
what I took away from that interference is how cool Kofi Kingston must be not to look stupid in those wing'd adidas.

also, Suzuki hit that man with the Thousand Hands.
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