March Wrestling Thread/April Thread will be up on the second /WM Week

Y'all gotta stop clowning my dude :smh:

be a family man?

what does that mean?

"A man who has settled down from an otherwise adventurous lifestyle and started a family. The ultimate destiny of anyone who fights, and subsequently loses to, Guile from the Street Fighter franchise. Family men are known to be overly patriotic due to getting their butts kicked by a man with a tattoo of the American flag on each bicep. Family men are not necessarily male; a small number of females have been known to become family men after facing Guile in combat.
"Go home and be a family man."
--Guile, standing over the broken body of his previous opponent."
going to be dangerous with reckless sasha and green as grass mandy and sonya

Alexa is one of the worst womens champions in recent memory

she has IT. the way she interviews and represents the company. she's a natural in front of the camera
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