Marijuana and diabetes.

Oh yeah, I've seen plenty of dispensaries go down around my way :lol:

whoomp, there it is.

I mean, for patients that rely on them it's ******. I'm still getting top shelf **** for a great price from the people I know just because of where I live, never had a card in my life. I don't want to get more into it because this thread is sniffing lock status but in the end the whole situation won't be ideal until it's nationally legalized.

's all i was saying.
80% of kentuckians (home state) believe medicinal marijuana should be legal. KENTUCKIANS! hopefully will be able to vote on it this summer.
Pretty sad stuff.. My friend uses MJ for medicinal use, and he's been arrested for it twice already.
I love marijuana more than sex .  I feel like it makes my life better and it really does help with different illnesses . I am bipolar and i smoke because it helps me to be less manic . I've tried all the other meds they give you when your diagnosed and i must say the only thing that has worked is the weed . The meds just suck the life outta me and make me feel worst and lazy but if i toke the bo than i am completely energized , worry and anger free. Sorry for the story , just giving my thoughts on the weed .Have never been arrested for it though cuz when i get caught by the cops i just come clean . They appreciate honesty and usually let you keep the bud
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if weed is legalized I don't want teenagers cruising with a joint getting too high and getting in a car accident with someone I know. Same thing with alcohol and other drugs.

Idk Im probably at an unfavorable position on NT with this but I've been in too many near-disasters with careless people trying to drive stoned. More grants for researching its effects and providing a sobriety test for it should be done before going into more adoption. Im not against smoking it, but safety on the road should be considered.

Also I thought smoking would get you more hungry and therefore you eat more. Not sure how that works.
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if weed is legalized I don't want teenagers cruising with a joint getting too high and getting in a car accident with someone I know. Same thing with alcohol and other drugs.

that will happen whether its legalized or not, unfortunately. but i dont think NOT legalizing prevents that from happening. but i believe stats are more in favor of showing that marijuana related car accidents are less common than dui/alcohol related.
if weed is legalized I don't want teenagers cruising with a joint getting too high and getting in a car accident with someone I know. Same thing with alcohol and other drugs.

Idk Im probably at an unfavorable position on NT with this but I've been in too many near-disasters with careless people trying to drive stoned. More grants for researching its effects and providing a sobriety test for it should be done before going into more adoption. Im not against smoking it, but safety on the road should be considered.

Also I thought smoking would get you more hungry and therefore you eat more. Not sure how that works.
Now that I've got that out of the way I will say this. I COMPLETELY agree with your worries. Although as stated, it will happen legalized or not, period. Marijuana for me does cause an appetite. With my Crohn's disease I can go days without eating or getting hungry. When I'm having an attack, I can't eat. It's like feeding a lion in your stomach that devours everything including your intestines. It causes me to drop to the floor, and before I met ms Mary Jane, I couldn't get out of the bed for days on end, and I just turned 25. Now, an attack like that hasn't happened in over 2 years, magically since I started using marijuana as STRICTLY medicine. I don't care for getting "stoned". Although at the end of a long stressful day, it does help to unwind. I've also found that marijuana can make me wanna right some wrongs I've done in my life. I'll smoke, think about it, and feel completely horrible and want to fix it. There's many positive and negative benefits about this drug. The positives outweigh the negatives for me though.

that will happen whether its legalized or not, unfortunately. but i dont think NOT legalizing prevents that from happening. but i believe stats are more in favor of showing that marijuana related car accidents are less common than dui/alcohol related.

What I meant to get to in my previous post was that marihuana doesn't impair your hand eye coordination. So technically, it doesn't effect your driving. Now all of us who has smoked, know that this is untrue. Although I do feel that I would be able to drive better under the influence of marijuana rather than alcohol. I've never drove under the influence, and don't plan to.
Now that I've got that out of the way I will say this. I COMPLETELY agree with your worries. Although as stated, it will happen legalized or not, period. Marijuana for me does cause an appetite. With my Crohn's disease I can go days without eating or getting hungry. When I'm having an attack, I can't eat. It's like feeding a lion in your stomach that devours everything including your intestines. It causes me to drop to the floor, and before I met ms Mary Jane, I couldn't get out of the bed for days on end, and I just turned 25. Now, an attack like that hasn't happened in over 2 years, magically since I started using marijuana as STRICTLY medicine. I don't care for getting "stoned". Although at the end of a long stressful day, it does help to unwind. I've also found that marijuana can make me wanna right some wrongs I've done in my life. I'll smoke, think about it, and feel completely horrible and want to fix it. There's many positive and negative benefits about this drug. The positives outweigh the negatives for me though.

What I meant to get to in my previous post was that marihuana doesn't impair your hand eye coordination. So technically, it doesn't effect your driving. Now all of us who has smoked, know that this is untrue. Although I do feel that I would be able to drive better under the influence of marijuana rather than alcohol. I've never drove under the influence, and don't plan to.

Didn't think there would be anybody else on here that has Crohn's. I was diagnosed a few years ago, and been on countless medicines. Nothing really works. The best working medicine is honestly weed. Gets rid of the pain and spasms right away unlike any medicine can. It's a shame that it's looked upon so negatively.
it is a shame- glad you found something that helps :nthat:

It's great that it's there, but I just hate the stigma around it. Not that I really care what people think, but still. Both my parents are fine with it, which makes it cool especially considering my step dad is a cop. He understands the benefits though and sees that it really does help, so it's all good. I can't even count how many medicines I've been on and nothing ever worked. From having to go to the hospital for a medicine called Remicade which is an injection and is supposed to be a last resort because it's like putting poison in you. Never worked, so I stopped that and the doctor just put me on other useless medicines. I'm on Humira now, which is a shot I have to inject every other week, and I feel like it does nothing but just add poison into me. I live in NJ, and they just made it available medically, and Crohns is one of the illnesses that is able to get it, since NJ is the most strict state in the medicinal program. However, it will costs you around $1200 just in doctor fees, and the actually card fee, so thats a bit ridiculous compared to other states like California.
Didn't think there would be anybody else on here that has Crohn's. I was diagnosed a few years ago, and been on countless medicines. Nothing really works. The best working medicine is honestly weed. Gets rid of the pain and spasms right away unlike any medicine can. It's a shame that it's looked upon so negatively.

It's great that it's there, but I just hate the stigma around it. Not that I really care what people think, but still. Both my parents are fine with it, which makes it cool especially considering my step dad is a cop. He understands the benefits though and sees that it really does help, so it's all good. I can't even count how many medicines I've been on and nothing ever worked. From having to go to the hospital for a medicine called Remicade which is an injection and is supposed to be a last resort because it's like putting poison in you. Never worked, so I stopped that and the doctor just put me on other useless medicines. I'm on Humira now, which is a shot I have to inject every other week, and I feel like it does nothing but just add poison into me. I live in NJ, and they just made it available medically, and Crohns is one of the illnesses that is able to get it, since NJ is the most strict state in the medicinal program. However, it will costs you around $1200 just in doctor fees, and the actually card fee, so thats a bit ridiculous compared to other states like California.
Wow man. My doctor wanted to put me on remicade as my first medicine, and I denied it. I thought if this is the last option what happens when this stops working? I am really hoping that ky will smarten up and get a medicinal program in the works. A bill is being introduced and hopefully we will get to vote on it this summer. Crohns is a beast and I'm with you when I say, marihuana is the only thing that's helped. I'm currently on prednisone for the flare ups I've had recently. I've also heard that if/when we get a medicinal program that they actually make meds strictly for crohns. If this is true, then it excites me very much. Because getting it off the street is just too risky now a days.
Wow man. My doctor wanted to put me on remicade as my first medicine, and I denied it. I thought if this is the last option what happens when this stops working? I am really hoping that ky will smarten up and get a medicinal program in the works. A bill is being introduced and hopefully we will get to vote on it this summer. Crohns is a beast and I'm with you when I say, marihuana is the only thing that's helped. I'm currently on prednisone for the flare ups I've had recently. I've also heard that if/when we get a medicinal program that they actually make meds strictly for crohns. If this is true, then it excites me very much. Because getting it off the street is just too risky now a days.

I definitely wouldn't start Remicade if I were you. Just speaking as somebody who has been through it. I mean, it may work better for you, but I don't think it is worth it in any way shape or form. You have to go to the hospital every few months and sit there for 3-4 hours for the injection. It really is supposed to be a last resort. I guess it was for me because nothing else worked, including that. Like I said, I'm on Humira now, and I still think it does nothing. My brother also has Crohns, and he was just put on Humira as well. I was on prednisone before, and it was actually the only thing that worked, but it's so bad to be on, and you shouldn't be on it for long. I didn't really have any side effects from it except moon face, but the doctor kept telling me it wasn't a permanent situation and you shouldn't be on it for a long time. I told my doctor I smoke, and he just kind of shrugs it off and says he never heard about how it can help, which I don't believe. Just seems like he's against it. For your sake, I hope Kentucky can pass a law, but even if they do, it will probably take some time to go into effect just like NJ. Our bill was passed in 2009, and just FINALLY had a dispensary open a few months ago. The legal system really is a bunch of ****.
I definitely wouldn't start Remicade if I were you. Just speaking as somebody who has been through it. I mean, it may work better for you, but I don't think it is worth it in any way shape or form. You have to go to the hospital every few months and sit there for 3-4 hours for the injection. It really is supposed to be a last resort. I guess it was for me because nothing else worked, including that. Like I said, I'm on Humira now, and I still think it does nothing. My brother also has Crohns, and he was just put on Humira as well. I was on prednisone before, and it was actually the only thing that worked, but it's so bad to be on, and you shouldn't be on it for long. I didn't really have any side effects from it except moon face, but the doctor kept telling me it wasn't a permanent situation and you shouldn't be on it for a long time. I told my doctor I smoke, and he just kind of shrugs it off and says he never heard about how it can help, which I don't believe. Just seems like he's against it. For your sake, I hope Kentucky can pass a law, but even if they do, it will probably take some time to go into effect just like NJ. Our bill was passed in 2009, and just FINALLY had a dispensary open a few months ago. The legal system really is a bunch of ****.
Thanks man. I definitely will not go on remicade or humira unless its a last resort. Prednisone is pretty bad for you, but like you, it's the only thing I've found in pill form that helps my pain. That's crazy how you're just now getting dispensaries open!!!! Makes me want to move! Lol more seriously though, I hope one day soon they can find the CAUSE of this disease, much less a cure.
Thanks man. I definitely will not go on remicade or humira unless its a last resort. Prednisone is pretty bad for you, but like you, it's the only thing I've found in pill form that helps my pain. That's crazy how you're just now getting dispensaries open!!!! Makes me want to move! Lol more seriously though, I hope one day soon they can find the CAUSE of this disease, much less a cure.

We can only hope. It sucks. My aunt on my moms side had it which turned into colon cancer, which she ultimately passed away from in her 40s. On my dads side, his twin sister also had it, and died at the age of 19 but I think there were also other issues involved with that. My brother and I also have it, so I guess it's definitely hereditary and theres nothing you can do about it. If you ever need to talk or something, my PM box is always open.
We can only hope. It sucks. My aunt on my moms side had it which turned into colon cancer, which she ultimately passed away from in her 40s. On my dads side, his twin sister also had it, and died at the age of 19 but I think there were also other issues involved with that. My brother and I also have it, so I guess it's definitely hereditary and theres nothing you can do about it. If you ever need to talk or something, my PM box is always open.
Wow man. That's crazy. I'm the ONLY one in my family with it. Thanks man, and definitely same for you. We are one person but together we can fight this. Stay strong crohnie. :smile:
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