I've also heard it has some effect down there.

I actually don't get turned on at all when I'm high either.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I dunno bout this one. Sex while high is
My only beef with is I only remember a 1/3 of it the next day.

I'm all for the 
, so I'm not gonna let just anyone dispel my (or your) mind of its pleasure. What I believe OP is trying to communicate is the overall effect of smoking (not just cannabis) on the body. As far as mechanism, the act of smoking is an anaerobic activity. Because of this, the most immediate effect on the body is a reduction in blood flow. As we know, the penis is comprised of three cylinders, paired erectile bodies and the urethra. The erectile bodies (corpora cavernosa) are our concern in this conversation. These erectile bodies are made up of tissue (sinusoidal if you want specifics) that fill up with blood during an erection. When we smoke, we damage blood vessels in our body and consequently impact overall blood flow. Basically, blood does not flow as fast and efficiently as it usually does. As a result, males may experience decreased strength of their erections. When done to an excessive point, permanent damage can be done to the blood vessels in not only your body, but your penis as well.

Although I am not aware of any specific research concerning cannabis, perhaps the tobacco content of blunts, tar exposure due to smoke, and those of you that get lazy and munch too hard with high fat-content foods (high fat diets have been directly linked to ED) are more prone to the statements made by OP.

Anywho, keep smokin them trees, but make sure to stay healthy in other aspects of your life. Enjoy the increased sensory pleasures that cannabanoids afford the mind and remember to check your facts before believing all this anti-drug propaganda.

This history of research on this topic followed a similar pattern to that
described for the immunosuppressant effects of cannabinoids. An initial
apparently damning report was followed by a great deal of subsequent
research that has largely failed to support the initial claims. A paper published
in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in 1974
sounded the alarm (Kolodny et al., 1974). They reported that blood
levels of the male hormone testosterone were severely depressed (average
56% of normal) in 20 young men who were regular marijuana users. In
addition, some of the subjects were reported to have reduced sperm
counts. These findings, of course, raised immediate concerns about the
possibility that marijuana use might impair male sexual function or even
lead to impotence. Numerous follow-up studies, however, failed to repeat
the original findings with no evidence for altered testosterone levels or
anything other than minor reductions in spermatogenesis. Less research
has been done in women, although there have been some reports of
menstrual cycle abnormalities and transient reductions in prolactin
levels. There is no evidence for infertility associated with marijuana use
in humans (Hollister, 1986; Zimmer and Morgan, 1997).


[McLovin'] Read a ++#!*%+ book for once [/McLovin']
Originally Posted by jordan for president


I'm all for the 
, so I'm not gonna let just anyone dispel my (or your) mind of its pleasure. What I believe OP is trying to communicate is the overall effect of smoking (not just cannabis) on the body. As far as mechanism, the act of smoking is an anaerobic activity. Because of this, the most immediate effect on the body is a reduction in blood flow. As we know, the penis is comprised of three cylinders, paired erectile bodies and the urethra. The erectile bodies (corpora cavernosa) are our concern in this conversation. These erectile bodies are made up of tissue (sinusoidal if you want specifics) that fill up with blood during an erection. When we smoke, we damage blood vessels in our body and consequently impact overall blood flow. Basically, blood does not flow as fast and efficiently as it usually does. As a result, males may experience decreased strength of their erections. When done to an excessive point, permanent damage can be done to the blood vessels in not only your body, but your penis as well.

Although I am not aware of any specific research concerning cannabis, perhaps the tobacco content of blunts, tar exposure due to smoke, and those of you that get lazy and munch too hard with high fat-content foods (high fat diets have been directly linked to ED) are more prone to the statements made by OP.

Anywho, keep smokin them trees, but make sure to stay healthy in other aspects of your life. Enjoy the increased sensory pleasures that cannabanoids afford the mind and remember to check your facts before believing all this anti-drug propaganda.

if smoking slowly reduces our blood flow is there a way to reverse this process? Or will a healthy lifestyle simply slow it down
lol some replies on here might not even make sense to read. cause the dudes smokes too much... or he is already high when typing his comments.

smoke weed, get your GF pregnant then u get a baby that is born addicted to weed? word to helping the human race.
Originally Posted by icqboy51

lol some replies on here might not even make sense to read. cause the dudes smokes too much... or he is already high when typing his comments.

smoke weed, get your GF pregnant then u get a baby that is born addicted to weed? word to helping the human race.

the baby wont be born addicted to weed lol u cant get addicted its a mental thing
Originally Posted by icqboy51

lol some replies on here might not even make sense to read. cause the dudes smokes too much... or he is already high when typing his comments.

smoke weed, get your GF pregnant then u get a baby that is born addicted to weed? word to helping the human race.
Originally Posted by icqboy51

smoke weed, get your GF pregnant then u get a baby that is born addicted to weed? word to helping the human race.
this has to be the dumbest thing I have ever

Why does everyone look for binary, yes or no, answers?!

Its science dammit...everything is on a bell-curve. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but its enough of an effect to have enough truth to make enough sense to make people be aware of it...god I feel stupid just reading some of these replies...
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