Marilyn Monroe

OP has never seen an actual FILM. Just movies. get the eff out of here.

Along with Garbo, West, and Davis, she revolutionized how women were portrayed in film and that trickled over into the everyday woman's perception of how she could and should be treated. No longer were they just eye candy, they legitemately borught life to roles that few women could have back then. Obviosuly they had looks that made them far more marketable but all were tremendous actresses for their time and back then studio heads called most of the shots.

This idea of her being a harlot and making women idolize her for such a thing is no different then when women look at all the moronic *%%!#! on reality tv and want to be them nowadays. The difference is these women left lasting impressions for their time, most of the *%%!#! now will be a blip on some forgotten webpage after it's all said and done.
Of course she was a ho but there aint much wrong with that. She got the power and know how to use it. Maybe she was partly doing it to break that double standard.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

wish I could have smashed


Only thing worth quoting in this thread.
She changed her name, got a nose job, bleached her hair and had her low-hairline fixed, changed her voice.   

She became Marylin Monroe and that's why she's idolized by girls.  Girls love the idea of transformation. It stems from fairy tales, really.

On a side note, I think no current actress could compete with her sex appeal.  Not even Angelina.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by goofy08

Originally Posted by Wr

she was a slob from what i heard. very junky, food in the bed etc. besides that, she was mentally crazy and an anti thesis to her public image. being a girl like her back then was for a reason. i.e. getting secrets and sway from men in positions of power. these girls nowadays be giving it up for red lobster, 20 inch rims and fake jewelry...smh
this. from what i've heard Cleopatra was the master of this.


Lesbionest... if Marilyn was alive in our era, she would have every male on this earth on their knees drooling and kissing her feet!

We would be all begging and throwing away every cent we have worked for just to smell the scent on her skin, to just hve a glimpse of her perfection.

i dont know who this we  is but i dam sure aint included in that... Word's bond

Esp over a J/o
Bet if you asked half them girls who she was by her REAL name, they wouldn't know. Hell I bet if OP titled this thread by her REAL name half the dudes gassing her wouldn't even know who she was
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

so much slander for someone none of you were alive to see lmao

So much defending for someone none of you were alive to see lmao
whos defending?

i didnt say anything one way or another

but you got illuminati theorists

and people calling her talentless

etc. etc.

keep it funky, my pops loved her, he was 83 when he passed 3 years ago, so he was an old head

called her a goddess, had the flicks up everywhere, etc.

i saw a couple movies and whatnot

cats in here calling her souless and ##%$ tho cause the chick that wont let them smash quotes her and gives backshots to the neighborhood d boy

alot of slander

all i said.

good job, tho.
Originally Posted by MasterChef

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by goofy08

this. from what i've heard Cleopatra was the master of this.


Lesbionest... if Marilyn was alive in our era, she would have every male on this earth on their knees drooling and kissing her feet!

We would be all begging and throwing away every cent we have worked for just to smell the scent on her skin, to just hve a glimpse of her perfection.

i dont know who this we  is but i dam sure aint included in that... Word's bond

Esp over a J/o

Yes you would, you really would! This woman is THAT powerful.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Bet if you asked half them girls who she was by her REAL name, they wouldn't know. Hell I bet if OP titled this thread by her REAL name half the dudes gassing her wouldn't even know who she was
And I bet if I listed a lot of celebrities real names, you and others wouldn't know who they were either.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

She is an iconic legend. What she did in the bedroom or behind closed doors is not of importance to them and why does it need to be when they idolize her for her acting/movie star persona?
A bunch of boys and men idolize druggies,junkies, womanizers, gangsters, and rapists. Do you have any objection to that?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Bet if you asked half them girls who she was by her REAL name, they wouldn't know. Hell I bet if OP titled this thread by her REAL name half the dudes gassing her wouldn't even know who she was
And I bet if I listed a lot of celebrities real names, you and others wouldn't know who they were either.
But I wouldn't be sitting there defending them like I met them personally or using their quotes
It's a shame how many dudes on NT turn into Captain Save-A-OHs.  Marilyn was a smart OH, but a OH all the same.  She let the Kennedy brothers run choochoo trains on her.  She slept with whatever old dude that could help her career.  She became THE sex symbol in the fifties because, yes, she embraced her body, but she played up that she was that dumb hot down-to-earth chick.  Dudes still want that today.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by cartune

Maybe she's idolized because she was an acclaimed actress?

most of the girls quoting her haven't seen a single film or heard a single song she's done
Most of those girls are dumb as rocks  Look at that dummy megan fox.  Got a tattoo of her face on her arm and is now removing it because she suffered from mental illness.  She basically said she was a bad person because of that.
Op, you're using the word harlot?  
  I don't see that word used anymore.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

ITT: NTers gossiping about someone who died before they were born.


Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

cats in here calling her souless and ##%$ tho cause the chick that wont let them smash quotes her and gives backshots to the neighborhood d boy

alot of slander

all i said.

good job, tho.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by So Slickening

Originally Posted by CWrite78

so what you're saying is, back then being a harlot meant something. there was dignity behind the label!
Is that true? If so, I understand. Don't necessarily agree, but I understand. It still doesn't give reason for girls these days to idolize that kind of behavior.

Hank, thanks. Bookmarked.
Girls idolize her for her classic beauty and glamourized image. She is an iconic legend. What she did in the bedroom or behind closed doors is not of importance to them and why does it need to be when they idolize her for her acting/movie star persona?
A bunch of boys and men idolize druggies,junkies, womanizers, gangsters, and rapists. Do you have any objection to that?
I think it's a safe bet that the girls that quote her all the time on social networks have never seen any of her movies let alone can consider themselves a fan of her as an actress. My point is that I believe most girls these that look up to her are ignorant of the fact that she was anything other than the classic "strong, beautiful, independent woman". I never see any girls expressing that she was an incredible actress. Just that she's the woman with ideal female qualities and they look up to her. But in reality, they're looking up to someone who, despite her strong sense of being a woman, was known for sleeping around with famous people.

All I was saying was girls who idolize Marilyn Monroe don't realize that they're idolizing a glorified harlot beneath all the positive womanly things.

And yes, I do object to the idea of boys idolizing druggies, junkies, womanizers, gangsters and rapists. Those types of people hold immoral characteristics and aren't fit to be looked up to. What was your point in asking that?
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by goofy08

Originally Posted by Wr

she was a slob from what i heard. very junky, food in the bed etc. besides that, she was mentally crazy and an anti thesis to her public image. being a girl like her back then was for a reason. i.e. getting secrets and sway from men in positions of power. these girls nowadays be giving it up for red lobster, 20 inch rims and fake jewelry...smh
this. from what i've heard Cleopatra was the master of this.


Lesbionest... if Marilyn was alive in our era, she would have every male on this earth on their knees drooling and kissing her feet!

We would be all begging and throwing away every cent we have worked for just to smell the scent on her skin, to just hve a glimpse of her perfection.
TMZ would have the pics of her without the glamorous makeup, the "relationship" she had with the President and his brother would be headline news, and a leaked video of her doing or saying something controversial would be leaked on the internet.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by MasterChef

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01


Lesbionest... if Marilyn was alive in our era, she would have every male on this earth on their knees drooling and kissing her feet!

We would be all begging and throwing away every cent we have worked for just to smell the scent on her skin, to just hve a glimpse of her perfection.

i dont know who this we  is but i dam sure aint included in that... Word's bond

Esp over a J/o

Yes you would, you really would! This woman is THAT powerful.

regualr coquterry l sald... l mastered the art years ago shout out to robert greene
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