Married for 2 years and still a virgin... lol

I was waitin for Tyra to get into it.. encourage them, tell past intimate experiences, suggest girl on girl action, etc...


... i woulda been got her super drunk... slipped her a roofie or somethin. 2 years?... he better be cheatin... and she better not have a problem wit it
My man loss that's all have to say, I would say I feel sorry for him but he put himself in that position.

Long story short he probably just get the bop all the time, and she is scared of the D, hands down. Every girl goes through the pain of getting her V cardtaken. Its probably a mental thing with her/all in her head.

They should try hypnosis on her @**

Ghenges wrote:
Ol' married for 2 years and still not smashing suit wearin'....

she need to get bopped in the head for real

this is some BS, aint no dam real condition leadin to this. Its like the broad who had a phobia over pennies, these chicks needa SHUT UP!! aint no dam peoplein third world countries afraid of pennies, or of a rich dudes D
dude should learn how to play "just the tip" damn, he kind of looks like toby from the office.
Her dad went and told her she had a vagina troll, and she still believes him. lol.

Man theres people out there that cant have sex, never will have sex. We got all kinds of people out there this story is sad but not interesting.

Guys with ED, but i havent herd of a female case of not being able to have sex until this one.
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