married or committed nters.....when did u realize she was the ONE

So lemme ask this becausei hear it a lot.

"Happy life happy wife"


"What's mine is hers and what's hers is hers"

What's good with that? Is the entire direction of the commitment based on her happiness alone?

I tend to get this vibe from cats that feel they don't have an option for anything else...

Me personally... I don't believe that ****
Those quotes are for hen-pecked husbands.
Marriage(a good one) is a 50/50 split.
You form like Voltron, meaning were one person lacks another my have that strength to get the job done. I knew my wife was the one because she never asked for anything , showed appreciation for the little things and details of life and generally had me dying of laughter. I'm talking the type of laughter you have with your boys about the dumbest ish alive.
It's not about the "one " but about the fit and experience you two share that compliment each other. This ish ain't fairytales and you have to be a little sadistic/masochistic to fall in love and make this leap but when it's with the right individual, no better feeling...
When she said Go out with your boys and have fun but don't get arrested I aint bailing you out of jail...... cuz if you in jail youll mess up the being a good man for you and the future.

I was like

aint no chick put a limit on me with a good reason before
I can't get married bruh. I ain't cutting my nutz off for nobody. Marriage is for the weak.....

She gotta be a goddess for me to even think about it.
I'm also hesitant about marriage.

Your wife can just one day decide she feels different and take all you have in the settlement. I think NT is doing it right by suggesting being together beforehand for X amount of time.
Took a pull from the Spliff and exhaled through her nose................. :pimp:

I was like......................hmmmmmm

Did it raw that night and the rest is history............................
Lmao. Be mindful who's advice y'all take. Dudes committing to chicks off ratchetry you can find any night of the week.
So lemme ask this because i hear it a lot.

"Happy life happy wife"


"What's mine is hers and what's hers is hers"

What's good with that? Is the entire direction of the commitment based on her happiness alone?

I tend to get this vibe from cats that feel they don't have an option for anything else...

Me personally... I don't believe that ****

Nah. :smh:

That's what me and my ex butted heads about and ultimately hit the wall over. She believed that I was supposed to do whatever to make her happy and wanted me to compromise on dumb **** just to put her at ease. I wasn't a saint and back then I still had a lot of running the streets in me. That said, I would never budge because I thought that way of thinking was idiotic and beneath me. I caused a lot of problems due to my stubborness and argumentative approach to her "happy wife" mentality, but at the core of it, had I done a better job of interviewing her for the position, then I would have known that she was on that. That's ok for some dudes I guess, but I would go to extremes to spite her and prove that I wasn't going to bend on my stance.

Those quotes are for hen-pecked husbands.
Marriage(a good one) is a 50/50 split.
You form like Voltron, meaning were one person lacks another my have that strength to get the job done. I knew my wife was the one because she never asked for anything , showed appreciation for the little things and details of life and generally had me dying of laughter. I'm talking the type of laughter you have with your boys about the dumbest ish alive.
It's not about the "one " but about the fit and experience you two share that compliment each other. This ish ain't fairytales and you have to be a little sadistic/masochistic to fall in love and make this leap but when it's with the right individual, no better feeling...


When it's right, your woman or s.o. is your best friend. She has your back and will do for you just like you do for her. You will have all kinds of inside jokes with her. And when you can't for whatever reason, she will pick up the slack, no questions asked because she knows that you will do the same for her when the roles are reversed. She will always be your partner and when you're wrong she won't be disrespectful, condescending or rude. She will always have tact and remember that there is no honeymoon phase, because every day we should be on our best for each other.
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