Marrying a Jumpoff!!! (Updated on pg 1) Just spoke via phone!!!!

Jan 2, 2009
First off let me state, that this is a serious matter. I really need honest outside opinion.


When I attended the University of Memphis, I lived in RTS (dorm) for two years. There was this girl that used to straight get smashed by dudes. I'm talkingthey used to straight run trains on her and all types of stuff. (A whole floor hit once) Its probably still some video evidence of this stuff SMH. I nevertouched her though.

Well I recently went back home to Memphis and ran into a classmate of mine from high school. We were never "super cool" but we spoke and knew eachother pretty well....basically he wasn't in my inner circle but I was cordial with him enough to have his number back then. So he asks me where I been atsince HS and I was like I went to UofM and then I moved to STL and I'm just home for the CUSA Championship game on Saturday. He asked me to come by hisspot because some people from HS would be there playing cards watching the semifinal game today. I was like aiight.

Got there and guess who was there? Ol' girl. He is engaged to her now!!!
She knows I remember because she gave me that look and then when I went out to my car to get my phone she stepped outside to smoke and said, "You betternot say ISHHH."

I honestly I dont give a flying judo about her, or her situation but one of my homies was like, you need to tell him.

My whole thing is, I honestly am not that close to this dude..... and I dont think its my place but the few peoplethat know about this have been saying I need to le tthis cat know.

What Would Y'all Do?

*Edit 1:17pm Central - 03/14/09

Just left game. MEMPHIS FTW!!!! We deserve that #1 seed.

Okay down to business, decided to call him with a hypothetical. Conversation went as follows:

Me: Whaddup fam I was just hitting you to say good look on inviting me to your spot yesterday
Him: Its all good bruh
Me: Where did you and ****** meet at?
Him: ******* ****** Church
Me: Thats whassup man congrats on that.
Him: Thanks man, its been a long time coming
Me: What you mean by that?
Him: I got caught cheating a couple times and she forgave a *****
Me: Straight! Wow. You gotta be crazy in love to do something like that
Him: I know right. I always wondered if I could do the same
Me: Could you
Him: Probably so, everybody go thru periods in they life where they're lost in the worldly things
Me: You right though. I know a dude in STL getting ready to marry a jumpoff
Him: Does He know she was a jumpoff?
Me: I dont think so, I mean he could but I aint question him
Him: Well how you know her?
Me: She used to be a groupie of a certain local rapper here, you know I'm still rapping right?
Him: For real?
Me: Yeah, she was in the studio and he pretty much set her out to the squad. Mad dudes hit in the bathroom....taped her.Crazy
Him: Thats wild bruh.... Who she marrrying now?
Me: Some dude thats a kinda mellow dude. Not really into the party scene. Cool dude though.
Him: Dang.... I would probably not say nothing to him about it.
Me: Why? Shouldn't he know?
Him: I've done some stuff in my past I'm not proud of and would like to put behind me and I'll be d@MN** if***** find out about it.
People change and some stuff just better left in the past. Telling him could F**** everything up
Me: Yeah thats what I was thinking.
Him: What you got up for tonight?
Me: I was thinking bout hitting Beale if it dont get too cold.
Him: Yeah I'm in for the night bruh. Hit me when you get back to STL
Me: I will. Stay up fam

I guess he kind of answered it for me..... I'm happy that *+* aint on my chest no more. The only thing that kinda bothered me was the fact that ol girltried to shusssh me outside. Made me feel like she was putting on a facade but like I said, it was really not my place.

"Don't do it! Reconsider...Read some liter...ture on thesubject..."
If you tell dude that his fiance was a jumpoff, it's going to cause more drama and you're the one who caused it. Dude could get mad at you and thinkyou're jealous of what he has.
honestly it wouldnt be my business. but then again, i'd want to know if i got with a chick and she was a straight !$$+. so i guess i'd tell him if iwas you. and by the looks of looks like she probably lied to him about who she was as a person since she came to you first to say you better not sayanything.
Bros BEFORE *Garden Tools*

Even if you ain't that cool with son, you gotta tell him. Wouldn't you want him to tell you if you was bout to wife the dorm skeezer?
No point to tell him, only makes matters worse

I knew someone in a similar situation and the more people told him about his chick's past..the worse things got and he still ended up wife'n the chicktoo

I wouldnt be surprised dude already has a sense of what kind of girl she is...he probably just chooses to ignore it...word to simpin'
probably not in your right to say anything. her past is her past and since they are getting married it doesnt matter now. if they are getting married its for areason and you shouldnt come between that.
People change, but that doesn't necessarily mean she did. If he was a good friend of yours I'd say mention it but if not keep it moving.
i say since he wasnt in your inner circle and you didnt really bang with ol' boy like that you shouldnt tell because it would cause unecessary drama. butif you feel as though he's close enough to you then tell him ASAP!

(projec pat)I dont understand how you turn a freak into a wife(projec pat)
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I say you drop an anonymous letter in his mail box before you leave
probably the best course of action. But make sure the letter is pretty legit so he will at least bring it to her attention as opposed to justdisregarding it. Or you could just casually bring up in conversation that one of your old friends was marrying a former JO & then get his opinion on theissue. Then just go from there
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Female really said don't say anything to you?
I don't believe that.
Straight up said it fam. I honestly dgaf, but she thinks I does for some reason
type a letter leave it for him keep it real and short but not disrepectful

after that mind yo business
Originally Posted by archnoobie

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Female really said don't say anything to you?
I don't believe that.
Straight up said it fam. I honestly dgaf, but she thinks I does for some reason

This post proves you DO care actually.

Tell him, and get it on video.
ignorance is bliss...let the man find out on his own that way you don't get involved. especially when you're not THAT close to him.
I think you should holla at shorty and let her know how you feel about the situation. But then again, the past is the past. One man's trash is anotherman's treasure.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I say you drop an anonymous letter in his mail box before you leave
probably the best course of action. But make sure the letter is pretty legit so he will at least bring it to her attention as opposed to just disregarding it. Or you could just casually bring up in conversation that one of your old friends was marrying a former JO & then get his opinion on the issue. Then just go from there
Thats its. That would be my course of action.
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