Mars Blackmon

how about a mix of every JB commercial incuding the mars one and all and then blacking out showing The no.23 and then fade out to a Jumpman
I have thinking about that for a minute, especially after the XX2 were release and that would be a pretty good idea. They did bring Mars Blackmon back out for20 anniversary in 2005. Not only Mars, but the looney tunes characters. That would be sweet for that to happen.
all of these ideas sound great

id like to see Mars comeback myself, but why stop there?

why not bring everyone from the past back? and throw in the now players, the JB athletes

but most importantly JB, we need more than 1 commercial from you guys, a la XX2
i Like the idea...but.. those commercials were always funny... dont get me wrong... i loved them... but i think the xx3 ads should capture the drama, suspense, the excitement, the greatness, the legacy of Mike.... il be looking for alot of slow motion, captivating music.... something real dramatic.... to give you that "wow" factor... the MARS B. commercials would be dope... but not fitting for the XXIII
you mean like the "What Is Love" commercial they did for the AJXVIII
I was really young when the mars ads were playing(think it was the one with the Vs) but i would be awsome to see a new one. Spike is gonna look old haha.
Originally Posted by rookie jordan 6

Wats up NTers been on 4 a while wit little posts but do u think with all the hype on the XXIII do u think JB will bring back Mars for the commercial i think its a gud idea he was brung back for the XXs and i would like to see the commercial opinionated

Great idea, but so are commas and periods. JK
am i the only one who remembers him doing the "goodbye, farewell, for good? again?" commercial a couple years ago?

you guys are discussing this topic like that commercial never happened...
Litesole #11 [-]

" i Like the idea...but.. those commercials were always funny... dont get me wrong... i loved them... but i think the xx3 ads should capture the drama,suspense, the excitement, the greatness, the legacy of Mike.... il be looking for alot of slow motion, captivating music.... something real dramatic.... togive you that "wow" factor... the MARS B. commercials would be dope... but not fitting for the XXIII

those are my 2 cents "

the XX had spike lee in it and that was pretty dramatic.

make that four cents.
jae oh en, that Mars commercial was for MJ's last retirement back in 2003. It was around when the XVIII'sreleased, Mars then came back in '05 for the XX commercial.
Originally Posted by rookie jordan 6

do u think JB will bring back Mars for the commercial i think its a gud idea he was brung back for the XXs and i would like to see the commercial opinionated

i hope english is your second language, cause that sentence is terrible.
Good idea but c'mon Spike is 2 old now dudes gotta b pushin 70 or 80 i dont think he'd go 4 the Mars gig anymore
70 or 80? you cant be serious man spike is 50
Mars, Looney Toons characters and all that other stuff would be good. But im looking foward to some suspense and excitement. This is almost like a movie. AJXXIII. This is a part of shoe history and JB needs to represent that in their marketing ideas for this shoe.This needs to be grand, and I know JB has somethinggood in store for us. I cant wait
Originally Posted by Willo23

jae oh en, that Mars commercial was for MJ's last retirement back in 2003. It was around when the XVIII's released, Mars then came back in '05 for the XX commercial.

yeah..thats my point...people are begging for this to happen like it hasnt already...talking about spike is too old to do more when he was in some asrecent as 2 years ago..
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