Maryland couple lives in a 1.2 million dollar house and hasn't made a mortgage payment in 5 years

Mar 13, 2004
They are beating the system and are finding all sorts of loopholes.  This @+#% is gonna catch up w. them tho...on top of it all, they put NO money down
  The banks, man...ugh.  Why approve them in the first place???

he eviction from their million-dollar home could come at any moment. Keith and Janet Ritter have been bracing for it — and battling against it — almost from the moment they moved into the five-bedroom, 4,900-square-foot manse along the Potomac River in Fort Washington.
In five years, they have never made a mortgage payment, a fact that amazes even the most seasoned veterans of the foreclosure crisis.

The Ritters have kept the sheriff at bay by repeatedly filing for bankruptcy and by exploiting changes in Maryland’s laws designed to help delinquent homeowners avoid foreclosure.

Those efforts to protect homeowners have transformed Maryland’s foreclosure process from one of the country’s shortest to one of the longest. It now takes on average 634 days to complete a foreclosure in Maryland, compared with 132 days in Virginia.

Champions of Maryland’s system, including Gov. Martin O’Malley (D), credit it with driving down the state’s foreclosure rate and helping thousands of victims of predatory lending, fraud and other abuses hang on to their homes.

“The market won’t fix itself,
Good for them. As long as it doesn't bite them in the butt, I say congrats
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I need to find out about these loopholes FAST.
gotta own a home first, then gotta live in a debtor friendly ****** state like MD.
Originally Posted by DaG311

Good for them. As long as it doesn't bite them in the butt, I say congrats
While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, this is nothing to be congratulated on. 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by DaG311

Good for them. As long as it doesn't bite them in the butt, I say congrats
While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, this is nothing to be congratulated on. 
While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, 
While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, 

While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, 

While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, 

While the banks deserve this for being so utterly irresponsible in the past, 

to them imo
She's a real estate agent though 

This is the perfect example of living beyond your means, except they did their researched and have worked the system in their favor
Originally Posted by el cuco

She's a real estate agent though 

This is the perfect example of living beyond your means, except they did their researched and have worked the system in their favor

thats probably why she knew how to work the system.

i was in a somewhat similar situation.  when i bought my condo it was a REO property (bank owned).  I thought it would be an easy process.  Here is my money.  Here is my approved loan.  Gimme the keys.  WRONG.  The former owner (who was also a real estate agent) was pulling out every trick in the book to claim that she was illegally foreclosed out of her property.  What should have been a 30 day escrow turned into a 9 month escrow of waiting.
They live in my neck of the woods but this won't last too much longer I'm sure.
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