Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Why is that father not in jail? It’s his fault and that’s not even debatable. What disrespect to the families he killed. They need to take him out

Curious if he would keep that same energy if they did come knock on his door with cuffs
Why is that father not in jail? It’s his fault and that’s not even debatable. What disrespect to the families he killed. They need to take him out

Texas law states that a parent is liable for their guns ONLY if the child is under 17. That coward was 17.
Under Texas law, prosecutors can file a misdemeanor charge against a gun owner who failed to secure a weapon and a child under 17 gains access to a “readily dischargeable” firearm from that person’s property.

That law, however, may not apply in the case of the alleged Sante Fe shooter, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, who is 17.
Yesterday while walking my dog I saw a white dude in a black trench coat walking on the same side of the side walk and not gonna lie.. palms got sweaty and walked to the other side.

Funny bc I still go out to Pomona and I'm cool around 12th street goons :lol::smh:
Has CDC classified this **** yet?

Summary: Reporter Sheila Kaplan present the statement “Guns in home protect families” as the National Rifle Association’s mantra. According to Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who headed research on firearm violence at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the 1990s, when they did a study they found that bringing a gun into the home increased the risk for everyone in the home. The findings from this study were disputed by the NRA and in 1995 the NRA successfully lobbied congress to stop CDC funding for research on gun violence. Since then efforts to understand why people shot themselves or others have been largely abandoned at the federal level. Following the Parkland school shooting, the secretary for health and human services, Alex M. Azar II stated that he thought the CDC should resume studying gun violence but did not provide particulars on how this would occur. Kaplan lists a number of questions that have been left unanswered such as “who is most likely to use a gun in a crime, and where does the gun come from?” Kaplan goes on to explore in more detail how the lack of studies has left us with a limited understanding of the tradeoff between childhood deaths and self-defense. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded some research on gun violence including studies on accidental deaths among children, adolescents and war veterans. The Justice Department also funds some research on gun violence. A roadblock to gun violence research are the Tiahrt Amendments. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are prevented from sharing their firearms tracking data bases with anyone outside of law enforcement. However, this may all be changing. Kaplan goes over possible increases in funding for research that may occur next year. The CDC did receive money for expanding its surveillance of gun deaths done through the National Violent Death Reporting System.

mass shooting thread in full effect. im sure someone will still make a school/location specific thread tho. but I'm kinda glad this got made.
Summary: Reporter Sheila Kaplan present the statement “Guns in home protect families” as the National Rifle Association’s mantra. According to Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who headed research on firearm violence at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the 1990s, when they did a study they found that bringing a gun into the home increased the risk for everyone in the home. The findings from this study were disputed by the NRA and in 1995 the NRA successfully lobbied congress to stop CDC funding for research on gun violence. Since then efforts to understand why people shot themselves or others have been largely abandoned at the federal level. Following the Parkland school shooting, the secretary for health and human services, Alex M. Azar II stated that he thought the CDC should resume studying gun violence but did not provide particulars on how this would occur. Kaplan lists a number of questions that have been left unanswered such as “who is most likely to use a gun in a crime, and where does the gun come from?” Kaplan goes on to explore in more detail how the lack of studies has left us with a limited understanding of the tradeoff between childhood deaths and self-defense. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded some research on gun violence including studies on accidental deaths among children, adolescents and war veterans. The Justice Department also funds some research on gun violence. A roadblock to gun violence research are the Tiahrt Amendments. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are prevented from sharing their firearms tracking data bases with anyone outside of law enforcement. However, this may all be changing. Kaplan goes over possible increases in funding for research that may occur next year. The CDC did receive money for expanding its surveillance of gun deaths done through the National Violent Death Reporting System.

mass shooting thread in full effect. im sure someone will still make a school/location specific thread tho. but I'm kinda glad this got made.

Will/what will the ATF actually give out? I'm really curious to see this full study in a decade+
let's not say solely the fathers fault he enabled what happened

But the thug still did what he did and its his fault too
As someone who is "progun" punishing proven irresponsible legal gun ownership should be biggest talking point right now.

But the majority want to blame God, video games and whatever else they can conjure up.

I'm getting to the point where I wouldn't mind the American empire collapsing.

The solutions would be clownish and funny if they weren't serious. Might as well blame Commissioner Gordon for not firing up the bat signal in time.
Yesterday while walking my dog I saw a white dude in a black trench coat walking on the same side of the side walk and not gonna lie.. palms got sweaty and walked to the other side.

Whenever I see a white boy, especially if they're dressed differently or acting funny, I begin to think "terrorist." On the sidewalk, I cross the street. In the bus, I change my seat. In a plane, I let the flight attendant know that the person sitting next to me may be a threat to everyone on the plane, especially if I overhear ****** rock or indie music from his headphones. This is even more urgent if I discover he is not smashing.

In the interest of the safety of our children, cops should stop and search any white boy fitting a certain profile. Some may say this is unconstitutional, but the safety of our children is more important.

I also think the only way to fight terrorism is to take it head on. We need to intimidate them and we need to understand there will be collateral damage. Families of white terrorists should be targeted.

These thugs are nothing but animals. They belong in prison or they should be deported. We cannot have them in our country if we are going to become great again.
yep terrorists in trench coats

There are 3 people that I have worked with (different places) that I had certain suspicions about and I wholeheartedly believe my gut instinct.

I'm my most recent job, there was this young white dude, he was about 6 feet but he was built like a baby. Huge round head with hardly any hair and a pudgy body. He was super smart but quiet and kinda stayed to himself. Everything about him said 'mass shooter'.

The other two, not related to mass shootings:
Another was an old white man that worked at home depot. He looked like the human embodiment of Satan: slick hair, goatee, built like Mr burns. He had to be 70+. He was always cordial around me, not too nice, never rude, but just cordial. I, with no evidence, am certain that he has has taken part in some type of white-supremacist-terrorist act in his life.

I worked at a science museum for kids and there was a few theaters and offices kinda tucked away. One office was hidden and belonged to this guy that we never saw. His area looked like a little cave. I was regular sized, face looked kinda childlike with unkempt hair and a lot of stubble. He had the feeling that son had terabytes of child pr0n on his computer and low key wanted to alert the feds.
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