Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Not sure what the laws in New York are when it comes to guns, but do they not have background checks? This kid was known to have issues. No reason for anyone sell him a gun.

Also, I'm in favor of going after the parents in this case. They had to have known something. He probably got some of his beliefs from them. You likely wouldn't get anything, but make an example out of them anyways. Maybe parents of future mass shooters would take notice.
Not sure what the laws in New York are when it comes to guns, but do they not have background checks? This kid was known to have issues. No reason for anyone sell him a gun.

Also, I'm in favor of going after the parents in this case. They had to have known something. He probably got some of his beliefs from them. You likely wouldn't get anything, but make an example out of them anyways. Maybe parents of future mass shooters would take notice.
Wouldn’t be mad. Sue all of them. Everyone should do it. It’s time for accountability.
Not sure what the laws in New York are when it comes to guns, but do they not have background checks? This kid was known to have issues. No reason for anyone sell him a gun.

Also, I'm in favor of going after the parents in this case. They had to have known something. He probably got some of his beliefs from them. You likely wouldn't get anything, but make an example out of them anyways. Maybe parents of future mass shooters would take notice.
typically, racism or the influence of it runs in the family.
my god...

I'm really confused as to why people are surprised by these kind of comments from law enforcement at this point. They are bold as hell with their actions
because law enforcement usually are careful when it comes to giving statements. statement like that usually would get someone in trouble. just imagine if they made a statement about George Floyd that it was lawful that he got killed. I don't think a similar riot would have occurred during that time but it could have caused way worse.
Naw, imagine if they said now there’s more air for everyone or one less boot legger in the world.

My man was flagrant with clean up on aisles…

People lost family members due to that terrorist act. And yes, it was a terrorist attack.
Yeah I really hope someone pulls up on him. Would be nice if an inmate at his jail caught wind of it and they get the drop on him.
because law enforcement usually are careful when it comes to giving statements. statement like that usually would get someone in trouble. just imagine if they made a statement about George Floyd that it was lawful that he got killed. I don't think a similar riot would have occurred during that time but it could have caused way worse.

yea thats just something we just disagree on, I think law enforcement makes it very clear every chance they get. but even if they say nothing the actions are yelling it.
By his logic Oklahoma City wasn’t terrorism.

Hmm. America is in great hands. 🤦‍♂️
These are the officials Americans choose.

And these are laws passed by those officials.

When the next clown tells you how politics don't matter, remember that this is what happens in the Best Democracy in the World (tm), where an excellent turnout is 50% of the voting public, and where a candidate doesn't even have to earn a majority of the votes to be elected.
Whoever sold him a gun..was a thorough background check completed?

Is there not a black list when these people kick off threats like this?
There would have the be a database that everything gets reported to from schools, workplace, police, etc

Idk what a “background check” consists of but if it only relies on police reports/interactions on that said person, that doesn’t work.
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