Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Those fire exit magnets are weak. We used to skip and just pull them open from the outside like the hulk to open the magnet doors.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican i had SROs at my middle school and high school. Population was about 40 white/30 black/30 Latino. Ofcourse no one liked them except for a couple. If you got put into handcuffs there was a reason. Also this was in a different time period. Hell I got handcuffed after a fight. Everyone gets suspended after a fight.

But we’re not talking about fights or some pocket knife action here. I think you’re missing the biggest point here. If that’s the biggest risk involved, the benefit of stopping a mass murder is by far greater.

Are you a parent? If you are, and your child is elementary /middle school, and the school says due to recent events we decided to have a police presence indefenitely. Are you really going to say no to that?

What will police possibly make worse in a elementary school?

Also im not taking articles with data from 1975 seriously. The kids today are different.Both in a good way and bad way.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican i had SROs at my middle school and high school. Population was about 40 white/30 black/30 Latino. Ofcourse no one liked them except for a couple. If you got put into handcuffs there was a reason. Also this was in a different time period. Hell I got handcuffed after a fight. Everyone gets suspended after a fight.

But we’re not talking about fights or some pocket knife action here. I think you’re missing the biggest point here. If that’s the biggest risk involved, the benefit of stopping a mass murder is by far greater.

Are you a parent? If you are, and your child is elementary /middle school, and the school says due to recent events we decided to have a police presence indefenitely. Are you really going to say no to that?

What will police possibly make worse in a elementary school?

They will be cowards and not engage when trouble happens. The same thing has been happening since Columbine. What's the point of "good guys" with a gun when the good guys are cowards? This isn't new and I'm glad more people get to see what most of us know which is that cops look out for themselves. If they fear for their life they will shoot you (assuming you're unarmed). If a crime is in progress and they know the perp is armed, they will wait and wait until someone else comes and helps while people die. Most Coloradans know that the Jefferson County Sheriffs office were on the scene minutes after Columbine started but they waited hours while Harris And Klebold systematically murderered people. I knew one victims at Columbine (Rachel Scott)(she went to my church). Having cops at school won't make them more safe because they are cowards. Not to mention in the elementary school context we've seen cops handcuff little ones and charge them with battery for nothing.

We’re talking about saving mass murders here. Idk what system policing the elementary school kids in Texas or Sandy Hook faced.

aepps20 aepps20 thats sad. If the training is terrible and they’re cowards then this thread being at 200+ pages is proof that nothing is being done that is effective.
We’re talking about saving mass murders here. Idk what system policing the elementary school kids in Texas or Sandy Hook faced.

aepps20 aepps20 thats sad. If the training is terrible and they’re cowards then this thread being at 200+ pages is proof that nothing is being done that is effective.

The training is terrible but this is where that blue lives matter, back the blue, us against them mentality comes home to roost. Parkland cop was proud to be a coward and nothing happened to him. Uvalde Chief says his cops could've been shot so all is OK. Our society made a grand bargain with White Supremacy visa via cops in exchange for them not to be cowards when real issues happen. Hard to justify the murder of unarmed Black and Brown people and the deference the law gives cops when they out of self preservation won't do their jobs because they might get shot.
We’re talking about saving mass murders here. Idk what system policing the elementary school kids in Texas or Sandy Hook faced.

aepps20 aepps20 thats sad. If the training is terrible and they’re cowards then this thread being at 200+ pages is proof that nothing is being done that is effective.

School shootings are at random. There’s no schedule for them. However, the fact is a lot of kids in certain socioeconomic areas don’t have a positive relationship with police. So how is having more of the same in a “safe” place help? What about the days that no school shooter comes?

Reality is humans have biases. Kids act like kids. Police gonna police. And adding to the anxiety of students isn’t productive or preventing breach of a school. These sickos had amor. Police have hand guns.
Are we gonna have police officers in front of every apartment complex too?

There's a word for a community where every point of access is guarded: a prison.

Underneath all that, there is the fundamental issue that is the normalization of violence in solving problems in this country: it's in our laws, our pop culture, and our every day interactions with one another. If you ask me, that's the real sickness of America.
Or a simple solution would be instead of more police we spend billions to help fix mental health and make it harder to get these firearms. They’re never going to completely go away but at least crack down on who can get them.

Then again, that would hurt the wallets of politicians and of course “mental illness isn’t a problem” according to them
Where is the task force investigating these social media breadcrumbs. Most of these heinous individuals tell on themselves beforehand.
The answer is always more guns. Give the kids guns to protect themselves while they're at it.

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