Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

The hand sanitizer dude KILLS me… wow. Just trying to put myself in his headspace he really walked over to the dispenser as if it was a priority to clean his hands while kids were getting slain down the hall.

I see it too often around me, people with no clue what they’re doing with their lives after high school/ college just taking cop jobs cuz it’s a salary and benefits but they’re not really about that action :smh:
The hand sanitizer dude KILLS me… wow. Just trying to put myself in his headspace he really walked over to the dispenser as if it was a priority to clean his hands while kids were getting slain down the hall.

I see it too often around me, people with no clue what they’re doing with their lives after high school/ college just taking cop jobs cuz it’s a salary and benefits but they’re not really about that action :smh:

he prob doesn't believe in covid either
Amazing that that many police officers just stood by while that occurred man. Unbelievable.

Mayor tried to say "well one police officer attempted to get in the door THREE times" like it was some brave feat.

It's a f****g door. You have a whole force. Just go.
Airsoft players have more engagement compared to these waste of tax payers money.
Let there be a warrant.
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My co worker used to be a cop. He isn’t a bad guy but he’s one of the most lawless dudes I know.

He also doesn’t give af about himself though. He said he got his *** beat like 10 times being a cop by fighting people instead of shooting so who knows how he’d handle this situation. This dude would be throwing down with 300 pound guys for the fun of it.
They're also very sexist. Know a girl who became a cop. She was told the specific towns to not even bother trying in. They will not hire women.
My co worker used to be a cop. He isn’t a bad guy but he’s one of the most lawless dudes I know.

He also doesn’t give af about himself though. He said he got his *** beat like 10 times being a cop by fighting people instead of shooting so who knows how he’d handle this situation. This dude would be throwing down with 300 pound guys for the fun of it.
policing isn't really an easy job to be honest. the problem though that the employees are slacking off or doesn't want to get involved what the job is required them to do when that time comes. but it is somehow unthinkable how disappointing that a well-armed and armored police officer is "too scared" to perform a duty that they are tasked to do. defunding the police is not the solution but rather re-structure the police force and make them earn those badges. it could start by dismissing all those involved in the Uvalde incident and hire new people to become police officers and make the requirements challenging.
back in february a man was arrested in the biggest mall in houston with an assault rifle and 120 rounds of ammo near a kids dance competition that was in the hotel ballroom inside the mall. he also had a bible with him.
he was only charged with a misdemeanor cause he didn't shoot anyone yet

dude was wearing a punisher t shirt and a spiked leather mask

all those flak jackets gone to waste. I mean, what's the point? just too sissy to even box the criminal in.
You know what the video reminded me of? Remember when you were a kid and you went to the beach. The waves would come in and you’d run back to dry sand only to run back in as soon as the tide receded. That’s what those officers remind me of. They walked right up the killer only to run away as soon as they heard shots.
You know what the video reminded me of? Remember when you were a kid and you went to the beach. The waves would come in and you’d run back to dry sand only to run back in as soon as the tide receded. That’s what those officers remind me of. They walked right up the killer only to run away as soon as they heard shots.
that or playing tag. it was embarrassing. it's not like they were ill-equipped. I know you were suppose to take cover but man, just breach some of the rooms close by or around where the suspect was or look for a vantage point or crawl close to it. I thought these guys were taught to take defensive positions in a well exposed area. them guys running away against 1 assailant who wasn't as armored as iron man is extremely funny and sad. guess those guys spent a lot of times eating doughnuts in the office rather than do real police work.
funny formation. are they trying to do this....


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