Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Literally hits close to home (Gilroy is on the outer edge of the Bay Area). My parents have been in denial for so long "it will never happen in a peaceful place like the Bay Area" I wish my family and I could move overseas but unfortunately, my dad is getting ongoing treatment here and is more afraid of dying from his illness than getting shot up, so just have to suck it up and be paranoid every time I'm out in a public gathering.

RIP to the victims not even surprised its another white supremacist. They getting emboldened everyday this goes on unaddressed.

Glad i got me and my fam out the states for the time being.
Some people are just so god damn trash.

Wish they would test these shootings out on themselves before they did it to other people.
This conversation again :lol:

I don't think an outright ban is plausible. However, more checks and balances would be cool because it would cast a wider net for folks to get swept up in and prevent something like a mass shooting if the attacker gets careless during the planning phase. Even if one is prevented, it would be worth it.
This conversation again :lol:

I don't think an outright ban is plausible. However, more checks and balances would be cool because it would cast a wider net for folks to get swept up in and prevent something like a mass shooting if the attacker gets careless during the planning phase. Even if one is prevented, it would be worth it.

I've found that more than half the ppl that say this dont know what checks and balances there currently are (which it's tough to blame them as it varies state to state). What additional measures would you implement?
by this logic legalize everything, why have laws?

Laws are only meant to keep a controlling group in power and wealthy. So many brain dead Americans have been tricked into thinking the world would devolve into chaos without police, laws, governing bodies, etc. Its simply not true.

Most of rural America operates outside many of these systems. Go to the middle of Texas, Ohio, West Virginia and ask them whens the last time they even saw a police officer. For some of them it will litterally be YEARS
Shooter had to go to Nevada to get the gun, so the laws (at least CA's laws) aren't the problem. He knew what he was up to and he found a way to skirt the law of his state. This a problem of societal pressures, ideologies, norms, and social isolation. Not one of legislation. Guns are simply the tool most often used to express the finality of the previous four. The quicker we realize this the better off things will be and we'll see some change. Until then, we're just taking half measures or none at all.
I've found that more than half the ppl that say this dont know what checks and balances there currently are (which it's tough to blame them as it varies state to state). What additional measures would you implement?

Stricter background checks
Age limit changes
Red flag laws
Shooter had to go to Nevada to get the gun, so the laws (at least CA's laws) aren't the problem. He knew what he was up to and he found a way to skirt the law of his state. This a problem of societal pressures, ideologies, norms, and social isolation. Not one of legislation. Guns are simply the tool most often used to express the finality of the previous four. The quicker we realize this the better off things will be and we'll see some change. Until then, we're just taking half measures or none at all.
Then tell the general populace to normalize and accept mental disorder and stop sweeping the issue under the rug.
People need to know that if you feel weird or have weird thoughts ITS OK TO TALK ABOUT THOSE ISSUES. You aren't crazy you aren't broken.

It's sad that people can feel so lonely in the world when they go out into it then go online and "connect" with others that want to spread hate and violence.
More strict background checks how? What would a background check of you show?

How about addressing gun shows and selling to online for starters? Tighten that up.

Maybe shut down some of the buy/sell sections of sites like these:

In 2012, Zina Daniel obtained a restraining order against her estranged husband, who had a history of domestic abuse. The restraining order prohibited him from buying a gun under federal law, but several days later he met a private seller on and purchased a gun without a background check. The following day, Zina’s estranged husband went to the spa where Zina worked in Brookfield, WI, and killed her and two other women. He wounded four others before killing himself.

jewseejay said:
Age limit changes? To what age?

I don't know. I would think significant research would have to go into determining the appropriate age.

Before you respond, please refer to my last post. I've never maintained that stricter gun control measures would prevent even close to the majority of gun violence. I simply say that it would be worth casting a wider net to possibly prevent some or deter some.
Then tell the general populace to normalize and accept mental disorder and stop sweeping the issue under the rug.
There's that and also the ideologies that preys upon those individuals. It's very similar to how ISIS or other radical islamic groups prey upon young men in the middle east. Mental illness is only a part of this puzzle.
Shooter had to go to Nevada to get the gun, so the laws (at least CA's laws) aren't the problem. He knew what he was up to and he found a way to skirt the law of his state. This a problem of societal pressures, ideologies, norms, and social isolation. Not one of legislation. Guns are simply the tool most often used to express the finality of the previous four. The quicker we realize this the better off things will be and we'll see some change. Until then, we're just taking half measures or none at all.
Been saying guns are just a symptom of much larger issues for a while now. Gun control is important and definitely needs reform, but we're gonna continue to have these types of shootings until we fix the underlying societal problems that cause them.
How about addressing gun shows and selling to online for starters? Tighten that up.

RIP, again.

Gun show loophole should have been ended. Also don’t think you should be able to purchase firearms out of state without proper vetting.

Online sales have to go through a FFL vendor. They don’t ship to your house. The laws are still shaky there because the parts considered an actual “firearm” can’t be shipped to you but the other parts can.

Sensible gun owners and gun law reform advocates need to be working together. The division is one of the problems keeping progress from being made. There is ground in between. It doesn’t need to be all or nothing.

This is going to be the conversation every time there’s an event like this. I hope we can figure it out one day.
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