Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Kids…bro, come on now. Kids????? 14 little ones gone just like that. There are no words. Sandy Hook, all we got were “thoughts and prayers.” Happens again at an elementary school, I’m sure we’ll get the same ********.
I wish I could say this is unbelievable; shocking; senseless; etc. This is not. This is America. We need something to change and we're two decades past the point we need it. Its incredibly sad regardless, and I hope the families affected can make it out the other side without more tragedy.

******* tragic |l
Jesus Christ. This and Buffalo are bringing me down man, ****.

Why is it that only Men commit these mass acts of violence and why is it only happening in America man
**** is so sad and sickening

My heart goes out to the parents and the teacher's family.
No one in power in this country gives a f***.

They’re going to lie, say they will do better, send some bs prayers. Then distract the general public with a stupid viral Tik Tok dance .
Not true at all. This isn't a both sides issue. One side in power is literally fighting to restrict the sale of guns while the other side in power is fighting for the sale of more guns.
It’s been said multiple times but this all goes back to Sandy Hook.

After that, pro gun white folk ultimately let it be known that money & guns are more important than children’s lives
I don't think the problem with guns started with Sandy Hook tbh.
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