Matt Ryan > Jamarcus Russell ???

Mar 23, 2002
i remember seeing this debate a while back

anyways i read most analysts saying they would take Matt Ryan over Jamarcus Russell if both were on the board.

boy this guy is getting some ridiculous hype. i think mike mayock had him rated as the best QB to come out of college in the past 3-4 years

didnt he throw like 19 ints this season?

who would you guys pick
it was like a week back in some thread that i forgot which one it was. I no i was going to shut the post down and make gunna look stupid but yuku !!@%$@ uplike always so it saved him
If Jamarcus Russell was in this yrs draft, the Dolphins would take him at #1 without hesitation.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

If Jamarcus Russell was in this yrs draft, the Dolphins would take him at #1 without hesitation.
other then arm strenght what does Russell have over ryan?
since your so conviinced Ryan is Joe Montana lite, I'll asdk you the same question, what does Ryan have over Russell?
Didn't Gunna post that a majority if Ryan's passes were to rbs?

I know his wrs were trash, but...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

since your so conviinced Ryan is Joe Montana lite, I'll asdk you the same question, what does Ryan have over Russell?
I never said that @%%$* was any where close to been montana like @%%$*
my point was in that other thread that it wasnt out of the question for ryan to be a better QB then russell since you had people in there laughing atsomeone who said it.

What does ryan have over Russell? a god damn Brain
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

since your so conviinced Ryan is Joe Montana lite, I'll asdk you the same question, what does Ryan have over Russell?

Matt Ryan is a very accurate QB. And IMO accuracy is the most important predictor of QB performance
This was the main reason I would have taken im over Brady Quinn as well. Brady is actually pretty inaccurate.

That is my Mike Mayock rant for the day.

His completion percentage wasnt great but we havnt looked at this guy like the NFL has. If everybody is giving the same read on the guy. then im inclined tobelieve it. Plus I have seen some special flashes too.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

how can you be considered an accurate passer but have 19 Ints in a season ?
Cause he has pretty good mechanics and throws a pretty tight spiral.

I dont think his picks were because of lack of accuracy but more trying to force stuff into places he had no business aka bad decision making.

I am not on the Matt Ryan bandwagon or anything I just cannot wait to see him throw to actual NFL talent. If he doesnt turn out to be decently productive inthe NFL I will be shocked.

And come on Gunna you know as well as anyone picks and completion percentage dont tell the whole story. (David Carr)

Plus Matt Ryan threw 19 picks out of 650+ pass attempts
Its not like Ryan had an all american filled team.. BC outside of him was pretty bad.

What does Russel bring to the table? A strong arm, yes. How about the 300 pounds hes been carrying around?
Yea i know. but everyone if overlooking his poor performances and negatives.

When I saw him play vs the FSU Defense I started to re-think how good he was.

and I remember Alphonzo Smith 'pick 6in; his +%! in game 1 vs Wake

to me that indicates, vs potential NFL caliber Athletes, his production drops significantly.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yea i know. but everyone if overlooking his poor performances and negatives.

When I saw him play vs the FSU Defense I started to re-think how good he was.

and I remember Alphonzo Smith 'pick 6in; his +%! in game 1 vs Wake

to me that indicates, vs potential NFL caliber Athletes, his production drops significantly.

Phonzo is a f'n MONSTER though...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

how can you be considered an accurate passer but have 19 Ints in a season ?
That number is misleading. When he played us on that Thursday night game he had like 3-4 dropped interceptions and one or two more that were close. Hereally could have had 4 more interceptions in that game than he did. Granted one of them was tipped at the line of scrimmage though.
Yes, but who u think he gonna be facin in the League? a bucnah UNC CBs? UVA Cbs?
he gonan be facin 11 SMiths.

btw Smith best CB in next yrs draft.
had to plug my dude!
i haven't watched ryan enough to comment but russell is one of the most inconsistent qbs ive ever seen
What does ryan have over Russell? a god damn Brain

wonderlic scores for QBs :

Alex Smith : 40
Eli Manning : 39
Tom Brady : 33
John Elway : 29
Peyton Manning : 28
Caron Palmer : 26
Ben Roethlesberger : 25
Brett Favre : 22
Trent Dilfer : 22
Vince Young : 16
Steve McNair : 15
Terry Bradshaw : 15
Donovan McNabb : 14
David Garrad : 14

so going by this list jamarcus is about as smart as ben roethlisberger (whom at the same time is smarter than brett farve, steve mcnair, and terr bradshaw) andmatt ryan is about as smart tom brady... but then again alex smith is smarter than every one of them...

the only brain you need in football is a football brain... i think jrock at least has that

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