Mature Discussion, though: How do you know if the female likes you or is just being nice?

I was under the impression you were smashing left and right on account of your "sense of humor".
if they make the same effort in you as you take in them
idk i always thought it was easy to tell the difference between the two
Pick their brain, ask them stuff about themselves and if they are willing to give you more info than you're looking for that's a start. Never trust astripper, waitress, or a chick that works in retail, they're just trying to get tips or commission
Doesn't matter for me..

It doesn't hurt to think all of them like you. Just don't fear rejection.

I can usually tell but all you gotta do is make them laugh and I'm sure you can do that.

I'm not sure there's a science to this yet so no definitive answers
Under the right circumstances, it doesn't matter if she doesn't like you initially. Having charm and displaying characteristics that aren't readilyviewable can make a girl go from nice to interested. I think the perfect circumstance would be a class where group, or outside activities are necessary.

Currently in this situation with a girl that I would normally categorize as "out of my league." However, I'm realizing my "swag"(
don't like the term, but it applies oh so well here) is adequate.
If she lets you #$%$ her then she probably like you, although there is a chance she just being nice
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Be careful some chicks hate cockiness.
a well placed genuine looking smile here and there will bring down her defenses
with different girls its different though

cause there's some that are real forward and will make it at least somewhat obvious,

and then there are other more reserved, conservative girls who are harder to read

and then there's those girls who are just overly flirtacious with all dudes
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Be careful some chicks hate cockiness.
a well placed genuine looking smile here and there will bring down her defenses
Y'all messin' with these naive ones huh?

I stay givin' these dudes the "N please" look.
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