Mature Discussion, though: How do you know if the female likes you or is just being nice?

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Ask her out. If she says no, she's just being nice.

that's not always the case either. i went on a date with this extremely quiet and not so attractive "nice boy" because my grandmother asked meto. obedience's honestly hard to tell. but if she refers to you as "good friend" or a true friend it's damn near safe to assumeshe's just being nice. if a female likes you they want to hang out with you, they find ways to touch you or make you touch them, they throw out hints andsuggestions about relationships SOMETHING but if she smiles politely and gives you the good ol power pat on the back or talks to you about other guys shelikes, you have been FRIENDZONED.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Sometimes, I think they like me and they don't.

Other times, I don't think they like me and they do.


yeah that is confusing

I talked to this girl today and it was mad awkward but it is no big deal really
Attraction is not a choice.

...There are a lot of things you could do that could easily turn a female off, that you probably wouldnt notice. Everything from your mannerisms to how yourespond to her natural presence.

With that said. BODY LANGUAGE is the key! Do you have her absolute attention whenever you're talking to her? As if you're the only person/object in theroom when you're talking. Does she prep herself up in your presence? Stick her chest out, straighten her skirt out, constantly tamper w/ her hair?

There is so much that gives a girl away when it comes to BL.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Attraction is not a choice.

...There are a lot of things you could do that could easily turn a female off, that you probably wouldnt notice. Everything from your mannerisms to how you respond to her natural presence.

With that said. BODY LANGUAGE is the key! Do you have her absolute attention whenever you're talking to her? As if you're the only person/object in the room when you're talking. Does she prep herself up in your presence? Stick her chest out, straighten her skirt out, constantly tamper w/ her hair?

There is so much that gives a girl away when it comes to BL.
This dude on that David Deangelo stuff

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Sometimes, I think they like me and they don't.

Other times, I don't think they like me and they do.

QFT. *Kanye shrug again*
maybe its just me, but imo its usually pretty easy to tell..

-if she makes a lot of eye contact during conversation.. basically a dead giveaway, she might as well be saying "i really like you" out loud
-if her mannerisms/tone of voice change when shes talking to you.. if you notice that she seems more perky & excited when talking to you than when talkingto other people, she likes you. this is another dead giveaway because girls cant control it.
-if you make a corny joke and she acts like it was the funniest thing in the world.
-if you catch her staring at you randomly, like when you're not even talking to her
-if she always agrees to go if you ask her to do something with you. if she says "i would go but i have to study for this class" or something shesnot with it. girls will push away almost anything for a guy they like.

its really not hard to notice these things
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

I can never tell the difference. The mind of a female is complicated. They are not human.
you will know...they guide your hands when they want you to touch them. otherwise ignore and disregard ALL advances she makes, dont make the firstmove.
and it doesn't take days or weeks neither, if she likes you will know in hours, the day after you met her at the latest....if she doesn't LEAVE HERALONE!

...don't hurt yourself mentally by waiting and wondering, that's the power of her sexuality and she will taunt and test it on you if you let her.

anything more and you're putting the p on a pedestal.
girls are tough bro. im trying to figure out the same thing.
i feel like i took the L on my part though fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
There is no such thing as an L, just lessons learned. If she's not into you then on to the next one.
Its pretty easy to tell if they feeling you. If they ask for your number or you give them your number and she hits you up. That's a dead giveaway.That's one way how I can tell if a chick is feeling me, I put the ball in they court and give them my number. If she call me its a wrap, if not oh well.That's how I basically bagged all the chicks I've dated/talked to/fornicated with. Hell my last ex, I told her to call me if she needed help with herhw, she called me daily and we ain't never go over hw. We end up getting together couple weeks later.

But I feel you sometimes op, there's 2 chicks at my job. We basically flirt back and forth. But I think one just flirts because she's in retail. Shewas flirting with this
looking dude, just to get a sale. I was going to make a slick comment about what she aid to dude but I was like eff it. Then thisother chick goes like out of her way to talk to me, we do that flirt #++!, and she do the unnecessary touching and what not. She stay staring at me, got methinking I got something on my face. But she give that over the shoulder look though. Lil domincan chick that is

Working with females at macys FTW. I just got to come to work looking fly and I got the broads in coach and handbags talking about me calling me cute and whatnot. I was helping one of the chicks that work in the area and her brother, and she was like fyi we be talking about you over in handbags. Had me feeling like
plus its so easy to get sales/new accounts. I just got to smile and do some flirting and its a wrap.

But if they like you, you know. The little signs they give you. You will be able to tell between them being nice and them feeling you. Especially them hoodchicks, if they checking and being nasty to everybody else. But is a big ol softy to you, her panties is wet fam.
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