Mature Topic. GF of years putting on weight and not wanting to diet or gym

Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]why she gotta go to the gym WITH me? I work out by MYSELF everyday. I dont need anyones help to stay in shape[/color]. I love my body and I love that other females love my body. I just told her again that she needs to lose weight and she told me "[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]Well if youre trying to say ur not attracted to me...then do what u gotta do...I get it...I'm too fat...handle ya business, idk what to say[/color]." [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Man shes supposed to buy me a motorcycle this spring lol...[/color]
she is much more inclined to go to the gym if you make it something that you guys do TOGETHER. she'llhave more motivation to do it if she actively sees you doint it

That broad doesnt really want to do what it takes to make herself attractive for you, if she refuses to lose the weight,then you just need to get it over with & break up with the heffer.

Well then just stay with her until she gets you the damn motorcycle

you just need to make a damn decision and stop $%!%+# complaining about it
Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

why she gotta go to the gym WITH me? I work out by MYSELF everyday. I dont need anyones help to stay in shape. I love my body and I love that other females love my body. I just told her again that she needs to lose weight and she told me "Well if youre trying to say ur not attracted to me...then do what u gotta do...I get it...I'm too fat...handle ya business, idk what to say." Man shes supposed to buy me a motorcycle this spring lol...
stay with her till you get it

then drop her
Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by BoTz LuVz 23z

drop like a hot potato.

just not in front of your chick or she'll eat it

look man, you obviously got some feelings for this girl if you been with her for this long...but if you plan on staying with her any longer she gotta dosomething about it too man...if gotta cut her from the team homie...can't stay with someone the rest of your life if your not feelin herphysically no more...
Start going to the gym with another girl and when she gets jealous, be like "Well, YOU don't wanna work out with me so I found someone who wantsto".
convincing the star player to stay in shape is hard, they have the long term contract on lock no incentive
Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Club29

Yeah. sounds like you gotta break up with her. Youve given her ample time to lose some weight.

She flat out refuses? That would NEVER fly with me.

Yes, i am also in excellent shape and have a rather impressive physique. My girlfriend should atleast do some jogging a few times a week
This is why I like you club...You look damn good naked

Good one....but yo, she won't lose the weight fam, she's just gonna keepgaining and gaining then ur gonna be stuck with it....get out NOW!!!! or force her to go to the gym or start talking about how other skinnier females areattractive when you see them on tv or on the street...I suggest you try to record a convo between y'all and put it on here....I wanna see her excuses... ohand one more thing, generally, black women don't lose the weight they put on....society(BET) tells them that it is ok to be fat and gross and still befunny
Are you working out? Are you eating healthy? If you're not, then you're not really helping the situation. And if you are, thats your ultimatebargaining chip.

I remember when my ex started gaining, I told her straight up, she need to get on-board. We soon broke up, of course. But the fact of the matter was,appearance was still a huge factor in our relationship, especially when I'm young, and fairly attractive. Take care of yourself, bottom line.
Originally Posted by TD The God

oh and one more thing, generally, black women don't lose the weight they put on....society(BET) tells them that it is ok to be fat and gross and still be funny
aint this the truth. to the end of time i will always hate that fat beached whale lookin broad Monique. she has single handedly ruined ageneration of women by making them think its ok to be obese/overweight.
if shes never been to the gym, or worked out like that before, she prolly needs help fam. If u r physically fit, and you want her to work out, show her thegame. Break her into the gym, let her know what she should work out, set her up. As soon as she gets comfortable, she'll prolly start goin on her own,hopefully. you put in multiple years with this broad, at least try and help her out, if its a no go, then kick rocks.
youre not engaged or married to her

you still have the chance to drop her and move on

she doesnt seem like the motivated or athletic type, she seems lazy

consider yourself lucky that you found out about her fat potential before marriage and kids, then you'd be stuck

take the 2 year loss and move on
Take her to the gym with you she might like It, show her one of those hip hop dance classes or something
You worry about the wrong things!!!
I don't think you'reheartless because you are trying to convince yourself. I don't really think it's that bad, unless she's becoming obese & unhealthy! Ifyou're working out than convince her to go with you, besides that there is really nothing you can do because she is settling. So, if you have it in youthan move on & get another girl, but better believe that most people are too lazy to stay in shape unless their health depends on it and that's only afew!!!
Originally Posted by br00klynrebel

What do you guys think about this situation? You meet chick shes what youre attracted to, nice slim body, the works. she knows youre only attracted to girls that r in shape. A year passes and she puts on some weight. You tell her straight up she needs to stop eating like an elephant and exercise. she says ok, she exercises 3 times out of one week then stops. two more years pass and shes as big as a hummer. Complains about not having time to work out but shes up all flippin night on or some nosey %@* black gossip site. so now shes officially fat, I hate fat people... she refuses to work out. and expects me to stay with her. Call me shallow if u want but If i wanted a fat girl I would have gotten one from the start. what would you guys do in this situation?

PS NO PICS, thanks

FIRST OFF: BIG-UPS TO BROOKLYN ! (i noticed in your sn) Now: i would say that she feels she has shared enough of herself with you to be confident that you areher man for life and thus she is "retiring" herself from the game. congratulations.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by TD The God

oh and one more thing, generally, black women don't lose the weight they put on....society(BET) tells them that it is ok to be fat and gross and still be funny
aint this the truth. to the end of time i will always hate that fat beached whale lookin broad Monique. she has single handedly ruined a generation of women by making them think its ok to be obese/overweight.

really ain't nothing wrong with big girls, as long as you have the understanding that it's like that now, and it's gonna be like that.

for instance, if you go into the relationship smoking, she can't tell you to stop smoking, cause she found you like that, and can't change you if youdon't want to be changed. but if you started smoking after y'all got together, that's a legitimate concern.

try this: "hey baby, let's go running." or "hey baby, you feel like climbing a mountain with me? it'll be fun, i promise
Do you guys seriously think I'm going to the gym with that behind me? and I'm def not marrying her, she just aint the type to wed and have offspringwith. Her genes aint up to par fam. No doubt I love her, but I should NOT have to force you to want to be healthy and be sexy. And if she thinks its ok to beextremely morbidly obese like that cow monique, then thats on her. I told her she has 6 months to lose half the weight or im out. That gives me some time toenjoy that bike incase she takes it when i leave her.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by TD The God

oh and one more thing, generally, black women don't lose the weight they put on....society(BET) tells them that it is ok to be fat and gross and still be funny
aint this the truth. to the end of time i will always hate that fat beached whale lookin broad Monique. she has single handedly ruined a generation of women by making them think its ok to be obese/overweight.
if you started smoking after y'all got together, that's a legitimate concern.
this is exactly what happened in his situation. Ole girl was approximately 120 lbs when they got together, she is now approximatly 165 lbs. thatis close to 45 lbs in weight gain during this time. Its not like she had a baby or anything like that, she just let herself go & needs to be called out onit.
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