* * MAY 09 PICK-UP THREAD (NO PIC QUOTING): Chrysler is bankrupt...but NT ain't! * *

i never thought i'd be so
about foams being posted so much...
Originally Posted by jae oh en

i never thought i'd be so
about foams being posted so much...
x2 Im sooo glad I was impatient and copped a vnds pair of 02s few months back.

Originally Posted by V1nsanity3

Been in slow motion for a minute...

but here's May's work.

Did a pre order on Fight Night Round 4, and they gave me a free demo for XBox Live...
Pero no tengo un XBOX360...

anyone want the code for the free 2 week Demo Download...

P.M Me.

I forgot about Punch out being released...how is it?
Almost forgot, today i actually had 3 pick ups, the Toki's, These Cortez for Mrs Modz, and some SPDs for thebike.
Picked up the 3M Vs

Y'all know what they look like by now, so I wont't bore you with more pics of the actual shoes, the insoles look like this though...

...if it makes any difference!
It's great having friends during the 50 , SPURFAN21 you're that dude.

What time is it? It's NIXON time.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

i never thought i'd be so
about foams being posted so much...
Tell me about it

They come no where close to complementing the og pearl color.

Now these on the other hand
too bad i sold the couple of pairs i had
I personally like foams, but I know it's also a regional thing as well. I know you NewYorkers love y'alls foams, while the Left Coast loves theirchucks and vans.
i personally think all the hate the new pearls are getting is unwarranted. i think they are pretty dope. champagne foam pros.
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