May 2008 Pickup Thread

Just like most posts for today...CDP 17/6...just wanted to share some Carmines pix I took....
Originally Posted by Idolkicks

No Jordan package for me, just these...

Johnny Y
^^^Idol u stay with HEAT, great pick ups, especially those Stash's...that is one of the few AF1s that I like, but will prolly never get a paircuz im not willing to shell out that much money for a pair (yet).
Idolkicks, dope Stash Hi's. Carmines are ill as well
Thanks for the comments on the AMlights and I was happy until I saw Idolkicks pickups..... very nice sir, very very nice
Originally Posted by JMKickz

While everyone is wasting their hard earned money of the package.... I picked up a GRAIL and GEM, esp in my size....They are on the way...

Nice pickup, I am on the hunt myself.
how much are the supreme sk8 his and what were the other colors released? i forgetz -____-

and doubleo you took some good pics.
^truth, wheats, 2x premes, stashs, 2K min....not to mention the other pairs......Idolkicks, do you live at home? Or are you paying rent on top of killing itevery month in the pickup post? Either way you're killing it on a consistent basis. Didn't you just recently pick up the Supreme Hi set?
Thanks you for the comments everyone. I have been selling off A LOT of my shoe collection and came up with some extra cash to pick that stuff up. Mycollection was overwhelming and I'm trying to weed it down and concentrate on what I really want. Thanks to everyone that has helped me out!

Stay Blessed,
Johnny Y
I did not take these pics...the guys who sold them to me did and I am too lazy to take pics of my Vs right now.....these are now mine
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