MAYANS MC | FX Originals | Season II [ ❙❙ ]

I gotta watch this season. Crazy how I watched the first two seasons at the beginning of lockdown and now with Delta probably on it’s way might watch season 3 the same way. :rofl:
Just wrapped up the latest season and I must say it exceeded my expectations. I thought with the firing of Sutter and the pandemic shutting things down the show was bound to fail. We're lucky if it gets picked up again but other than Adelita's story line, everything else could just end the way it did in the final episode. The writers probably wanted to leave it open ended but in a way where it's like: OK no way the gang is getting out of this one.

My biggest complaint this season is how Adelita just got negotiated out of FBI custody like nothing and how she just crossed the border back and forth to stalk her baby daddy.
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I like the season but i have to say i was not a fan of the last episode... i dont know i feel like i was expecting more... I can't wait for it to come back tho.

I think he’s the main bad guy on the Tommy show. More screen time for sure
It's only 3 weeks til season premiere so hoping we get an extended trailer soon. Looking forward to this and Ozark in April.
No main people dying though. Only randoms we don't know the name of. canche wasted hours waiting outside the clubhouse until daylight then kept talking instead of executing santo padre.
Nobody watching this? Before the series ends, Alvarez is probably gonna die or step down and EZ will take his place.

Bishop is old and washed. Anybody watch Barry? I can’t take Bishop seriously after watching Barry :lol:
EZ and the guy from Arizona are very similar to the point it's scary. I wonder what's going to happen between the both of them. Would be crazy if the Arizona guy is some sort of undercover snitch as well.

Did Angel really catch that dude doing you know what to that little kid?!?
Damn so he just gonna bang Coco’s daughter like that?

He tends to do this when a baby momma loses the baby.
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Damn so he just gonna bang Coco’s daughter like that?

He tends to do this when a baby momma loses the baby.
If I'm not mistaken, they date in real life. They probably wanted to put that in there themselves.
Does he even know that the second baby momma has lost her baby?
EZ went from being an informant with a very good memory to a dude that botches missions left and right.
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