Maybe I'm late but, U can't be serious vol. Booty Pop

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ServeChilled81 wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
dude said pannies

i say it like that to but i know its not spelled that way
Honestly I be forgettin how to spell simple words like that when I don't use em a lot.
Don't judge me
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Let's spend a century and some change inculcating people of color (especially black people) of their inferiority when it comes to beauty. Let's convince them that they ARE NOT beautiful and rather, their features are polar to what "we" will consider to be the standard of beauty in this country

When they've been successfully brainwashed into believing our farce--into believing that "our" features are superior and theirs inferior-- we will swoop in like the capitalistic vultures "we" are and proceed to commercialize and profit off the truth--which is that, they possess very attractive and desirous features/physiques.

Open your eyes people...


So you're saying booty pop is part of some gigantic conspiracy?

I see the light. I'm just playin'. Relax.
Couldn't be more wrong, he's saying that mainstream society looked down on these features for a long time, and now there's a product meant topromote what for so long was a "negative" trait.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Couldn't be more wrong, he's saying that mainstream society looked down on these features for a long time, and now there's a product meant to promote what for so long was a "negative" trait.
There's a few girls at my school that wear butt pads
The minute one of them told me I slapped it to see if it was real.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Let's spend a century and some change inculcating people of color (especially black people) of their inferiority when it comes to beauty. Let's convince them that they ARE NOT beautiful and rather, their features are polar to what "we" will consider to be the standard of beauty in this country

When they've been successfully brainwashed into believing our farce--into believing that "our" features are superior and theirs inferior-- we will swoop in like the capitalistic vultures "we" are and proceed to commercialize and profit off the truth--which is that, they possess very attractive and desirous features/physiques.

Open your eyes people...


So you're saying booty pop is part of some gigantic conspiracy?

I see the light. I'm just playin'. Relax.

Ohh...Ok...nvrmind...'cause I see what you did there now...

Still though, i'd refrain from using the term "conspiracy", especially when the fact is noted through out American history.

Originally Posted by jbeezie

Originally Posted by JayHood23

imagine seeing a chick in the club rockin this joint and you take her home to smash and she rockin one of these

id be mad as hell.

after I smashed.
perfect response
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

Rena got niice thighs and hips, but I ssez no cakes
Thanks Lemonade....But please keep in mind the world of NT is Usually dont post pics here as I am not hungry for attention likethat, and I usually just refer to this
Now I shall remove my "inadequate" cakes from the 1 dimmensional world of NT, and get into some 3 dimmensional trouble.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Let's spend a century and some change inculcating people of color (especially black people) of their inferiority when it comes to beauty. Let's convince them that they ARE NOT beautiful and rather, their features are polar to what "we" will consider to be the standard of beauty in this country

When they've been successfully brainwashed into believing our farce--into believing that "our" features are superior and theirs inferior-- we will swoop in like the capitalistic vultures "we" are and proceed to commercialize and profit off the truth--which is that, they possess very attractive and desirous features/physiques.

Open your eyes people...


I really along these lines only a bit simpler, its funny though, how its flipped these days.
Remember the chick in the Sir Mix Alot video? "Oh my god Becky look at her butt! It's just so round and out there! Shes just so..........BLACK!"
I wonder if they would shoot that scene today.
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