Mayor Of Kingstown - Jeremy Renner - Season 3 Premieres in June on Paramount +

-i watched rebecca run up those stairs a few times.
-no bunny slander ever, the character depth he brings to being the cig homie, it's funny tho...8 episodes in & we finally see him in an actual building, lol.
-okay so who was the prison chick working for, what am i missing here, michael porter jr. should've known better...
-mike's scene when he originally arrived to mans' "love shack" was crazy, "who's gonna actually avenge you?" lmfaoooo

-so the bus isn't what milo wanted him to find, but a case with money instead or is milo just still playing mindgames with him, all these years & i'm convinced that aidan gillan is as unhinged as the characters he portrays so well...
Yo Master Zik Master Zik the same way I thought Logan and Greg were faking on Succession...

I thought Iris was an assassin hired to kill ole boy. For like a good 4 eps lol.
Well Mike is no good to Milo dead. The plan was to have Mike fall in love with Iris or fall for her hard enough that he would do what Milo said so they wouldn't hurt/kill her.

Mike wasn't attracted so they went to beat her up for failing so Mike can feel guilty.
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The show had some slow episodes in the middle but has really picked up. The whole prison bake scene was incredible.

I really thought Mike was gonna smack Iris 🤢. Glad he didn't

Looks like Milo is going to escape too 👀
-mike ain't eem leave the house today, incredible episode.
-i knew as soon as his brother start talking that 'getting his life together' ish... he was gon' be dead.
-cherry put on a lil acting clinic.
-for some reason i thought milo was about to start killing the other guys, he didn't stay around long tho, lol.

-1st episode we didn't see bunny, & the last episode was the 1st time we saw him in an actual building.
-mike ain't eem leave the house today, incredible episode.
-i knew as soon as his brother start talking that 'getting his life together' ish... he was gon' be dead.
-cherry put on a lil acting clinic.
-for some reason i thought milo was about to start killing the other guys, he didn't stay around long tho, lol.

-1st episode we didn't see bunny, & the last episode was the 1st time we saw him in an actual building.


Yeah, the moment the brother started talking about transferring and raising his family you knew that he was in for a tough time.
Didn’t know this thread existed…

That was a great episode. Violent as hell too. Was trying to make up a list in my head of what other shows just had like 20 mins of dudes getting slaughtered :lol:

My guy Carcetti is too perfect for his role :pimp:
Just finished the finale. It was good but kind of underwhelming. Feels like it was rushed, this certainly could have been a 12-episode season. Too many of the storylines wrapped up in a short amount of time.

- I was hoping for a long drawn out to siege of the prison but it wrapped up really quickly in the end. The prisoners weren't smart about how they went about the hostage situation. They should have brought out some of the guards into the yard and kept some others as hostages deeper in the prison. At least they killed that one ******* guard though.

- Mike got off of those for white supremacists he killed too easily. Literally all they did was dump the phone and acid and that's the end of that storyline. Thinking there would be some actual consequences for that but I guess not

- hopefully we get a season two and we find out what happens with Milo

- It's a little thing but it's kind of annoying how everybody talks back to the black police captain. It's been happening all season. He gives orders to his subordinates and they're just like " No captain, I'm not doing that". 🤣

He's getting them direct orders and they're just not following them and he's not doing anything about it. In the military or law enforcement, when your boss's boss gives you orders you follow them.

All in all, I really enjoyed the show and I hope we get a season two
Wiped out like 3/4 of the inmates :lol:

Finale was solid. Interested to see what happens with my guy Milo next season.
Just binged the show in about a week and a half. As others have said some things were very unrealistic but looking past that the show was very entertaining and I was anticipating each episode after one ended. They could have used a couple more episodes to better wrap up some of the storylines and I'm hoping this gets renewed for season 2 to go more into Milo's arc, what happens to the surviving inmates, show how Bunny and Mike's relationship has changed after riot, Iris' continued growth and a few other plots.
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