Mcdonald's Arch Deluxe Appreciation

I was pretty young when the Arch Deluxe was around but I used to love em, probably my favorite burger from any fast food place ever, and that bacon wasofficial. I remember eating them for like a month straight, because when they were introduced a coupon for another free Arch Deluxe came on the box.
BaronDavis5 wrote:
mc rib anyone?

That sandwich aways make a comeback every 4 months.

The Arch Deluxe is gone Forever...Forever...Forever *Sandlot*
i had about 5+ McRib during my stay @ Honolulu.

made my vaca that much better. +1
Ricardo Malta wrote:
Arch Deluxe + McRib >>>>>>> McD's entire current menu.



You prolly too young to remember the scrumptious, mouth watering, nearly orgasmic taste of the Arch Deluxe and McRib. If I only had the option of 3 fast foodsandwiches it would be the Arch Deluxe, McRib, and Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Ricardo Malta wrote:
Arch Deluxe + McRib >>>>>>> McD's entire current menu.



You prolly too young to remember the scrumptious, mouth watering, nearly orgasmic taste of the Arch Deluxe and McRib. If I only had the option of 3 fast food sandwiches it would be the Arch Deluxe, McRib, and Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle.

Nah, I remember the Arch Deluxe... it was eh, at best... I will never understand the obsession with the McRib, it's mediocre in my opinion...

NOW THE MCGRIDDLE? That is definitely
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