Mega Churches.....?

Im just saying...Even the poorest Christians look up to this man....and they probably dont have a problem with him riding around in G-wag's, ML'sand S550's...
Using the Pope (or any major Catholic figurehead) as a SUPPORTER to your argument for how a follower of God should live is like asking 'Oh, like this guywasn't a classy athlete of the 90s?' and then posting a pic of Albert Belle.
i'm not rockin with that pope like that...

i was only saying that these large churches do good things...

of course not all the pastors are 100% but neither are those at smaller churches...
Just because he's revered doesn't mean he's doing it right; let's not forget that 'right' should always be defined by the rulebook, notby the lifestyle of a revered figurehead.

LeBron is popular, and it's well known that he travels a lot. Just because it is seldom called doesn't mean the rules have changed magically on thepages of basketball rulebooks the world over. Nope, the rules are still the same, regardless of how popular the offender of the rule is.
Ok... With the amount of time and energy Pastors put into their Churches....they Deserve what they get paid. Being a pastor is a 24 hour a day job... They cant"Clock out"...They have church events, funerals...ect ect...

...Who are we to tell anyone what they do with their money? Spreading the word pays his bills and keeps his family happy and living comfortably....The ultimateGoal in life. Plus like others have been saying....its not like they spread a negative message to earn their salary...They bring positive energy into peopleslives....Why do you think people come back every sunday?....People I know who go to big churches say they LOVE their pastor... So why cant they make a decentliving by Lifting peoples spirits and spreading the word of God?
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by BLinK

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Or you could just not go to a church period. You don't need a church to be a believer.
I like to compare church to class

You can learn Thermodynamics on your own, but for some people a lecture is beneficial to establish direction or clarify issues.
However, at the end of the day YOU must learn the material.

Same with church. The only way to heaven is through God/Jesus Christ and you (if you have the mental capacity to) must make that decision on your own. However, church is there to help you along the way if you need it. It's not necessary though.

That's my view on church.
Going to class IS necessary though.
It really is not. I've gotten A's in ENGINEERING classes without attending.

It depends on the material and how the professor teachers the class. I've had classes where the prof teaches straight from the book, or his exams are just material of lecture slides which are posted online.

If the professor is giving his exams based on material found only in class or gives random pop quizzes, then yes class attendance is important. If you don't understand whats going on, and the professor actually knows how to teach, then yeah you go. Just like church, if you don't understand whats going go.

can somebody school me real quick on tithe giving?

i always thought giving to the church is voluntary but if what throwedindagame said is right, it sounds like its mandatory. or is just depending on what church you belong to?

also, is there anything regulating what the money goes towards? i mean church goers do know that their money is going towards buying the pastor a new BMW right or is that they don't really care?
It's not mandatory.

It's only mandatory if your church membership requires it. If you don't tithe at Creflo Dollars church, won't be listed as an official member. You can still attend his church though.

To answer your final question, who is watching how the government spends your tax money? If you knew how wastefull some government agencies were
Congress is watching? This is like having a fox guard the hen house.

you have to go to class to at least take the tests you need to go to school at some point...and reading the texts and all that

going to church is completely unnecessary
Hey the Pope likes to "Stunt" too.....Lets bash him...We all know how unholy this man is
maybe I am reading this wrong but are you saying that the pope is holy?
#1. I'm not telling a pastor what to do with his money. I'm not saying 'Here's what you are to do with your dollars'; I'm saying'You don't need 250,000 of them.'

#2. Again, with the 'living comfortably' comment, have to wonder if you are familiar with words like 'frivolous' and 'excessive'. Youcan comfortably raise a family and live out your days in a nice 3-bdrm house in the burbs and a couple midrange vehicles. If you can't call that'comfortable', and 'comfort' to you means '6-bdrm property on the hills and leather-seated European whips', that's fine... but youseem to lack the spirit of humility that your job requires.
You don't see how excessive wealth can be a conflict of interest Kay? I mean, didn't the Pope himself pass "excessive wealth/financialgluttony" as one of the updated 7 deadly sins that God texted to him on March 2008?
Originally Posted by JDocs

Jesus said:
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.[/color]

-Matthew 19:21

Jesus said:
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."[/color]

-Matthew 5:3

Jesus said:
[font=arial, helvetica]Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
-Luke 12:15[/font]



Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Joel Olsteen and Lakewood Church:

...His sermons are actually decent (coming from an atheist, too) because he only talks about positives and not the "fear of God" BS.

with respect to the quoted excerpt, part of being Christian is having "fear" in the Lord. Not the type of "fear" that stems from"horror", but the type that stems, rather, from devout reverence.

IMO, Olsteen's line of preaching is NOT in accordance with what loving God is all about. In fact, his line of preaching is not even in accordance with thefacts of modern reality because it fails to acknowledge that Life comes with difficulties and hardships just as it fails, with respect to Christianity, toacknowledge that ascending to heaven is a difficult task that comes only through arduous work.

Simply stated, ishhh aint "cookies and cream" and he needs to acknowledge that if he's taking on the role of shepard for his congregation.

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Joel Olsteen and Lakewood Church:



Yes, same building the Houston Rockets used to play basketball in is now his church. Dude is a salesman. His sermons are actually decent (coming from an atheist, too) because he only talks about positives and not the "fear of God" BS. However, he's also doing a lot of promotion for books, tours, etc. during his sermon (it's also televised)--there's usually a banner at the bottom of the screen throughout the entire thing, plus little commercial segments thrown in. When he was leading up to his sell-out/sold-out sermon at the new Yankee Stadium, he was talking about constantly. My GF's family goes there and tithes to him...
I've met Olsteen and his wife at my old job and they're not particularly polite people. His wife is actually quite the b-word. If you read up on it, there are many accounts of this, too. However, the church does do good things, and they're very, very positive. So I don't hate on what they're doing, but I think it's odd that people pay ANY institution an extra 10% of their income.
bare bones preaching. it blew my mind when I went. He made me feel good and grateful; but there was almost no true religious backing. no offensebut I almost cant even consider that a church.. its like a "feel good about yourself" seminar.
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